HTTP Registration get start

ASP.NET Core project

For ASP.NET Core project, we can refer to the example code at examples/AspNetCoreExample. What you need to do is quite simple and straightforward.

  1. add the Shenyu ASP.NET Core dependency into project.
dotnet add package < package>
  1. in Startup.ConfigureServices method, add the ShenyuRegister service.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
  1. set your Shenyu configurations in appsettings.json.
    "Shenyu": {
        "Register": {
        "ServerList": "",
        "RegisterType": "etcd",
        "Props": {
            // etcd userName,if have not set ectd server userName,this parmas can empty
            "UserName": "",
            // etcd password,if have not set ectd server password,this parmas can empty
            "Password": "",
            // 3000 ms default
            "EtcdTimeout": 4000,
            // 5 ms default
            "EtcdTTL": 15
        "Client": {
        "AppName": "dotnetexampleetcd",
        "ContextPath": "/etcddotnet",
        "IsFull": false,
        "ClientType": "http"
  1. enable calling via ip.

When running on your local machine, ASP.NET Core service can only be called from localhost. To enable calling by IP, you can replace https://localhost:{port};http://localhost:{port} with https://*:{port};http://*:{port}

Setting by environment variables ASPNETCORE_URLS. e.g. ASPNETCORE_URLS "http://*:5000"

export ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:5000
  1. start the application.

That's all! After finished above steps, you can start your project in IDE or below commands and you can visit shenyu-admin portal to see the APIs have been registered in Shenyu.

# build project
dotnet build --configuration Release
# start project
cd examples/AspNetCoreExample/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1
dotnet AspNetCoreExample.dll