
Example for 1.x please see tags in${tag}/shardingsphere-jdbc-example

Example for 2.x or 3.x or 4.x please see tags in${tag}

Need attention

  • Please do not use dev branch to run your example, example of dev branch is not released yet.

  • The manual schema initial script is in, please execute it before you first run the example.

  • Please make sure primary-replica replication data sync on MySQL is running correctly. Otherwise this example will query empty data from the replica.

Before start the example if you want use dev branch

Please make sure some dependencies from shardingsphere has been installed since some examples depend on that. if you are a newbie for shardingsphere, you could prepare the dependencies as following: and install shardingsphere:

## download the code of shardingsphere
git clone

## install the dependencies
cd shardingsphere/examples
mvn clean install -Prelease

shardingsphere-example module design

project structure

  ├── example-core
  │   ├── config-utility
  │   ├── example-api
  │   ├── example-raw-jdbc
  │   ├── example-spring-jpa
  │   └── example-spring-mybatis
  ├── shardingsphere-jdbc-example
  │   ├── sharding-example
  │   │   ├── sharding-raw-jdbc-example
  │   │   ├── sharding-spring-boot-jpa-example
  │   │   ├── sharding-spring-boot-mybatis-example
  │   │   ├── sharding-spring-namespace-jpa-example
  │   │   └── sharding-spring-namespace-mybatis-example
  │   ├── governance-example
  │   │   ├── governance-raw-jdbc-example
  │   │   ├── governance-spring-boot-example
  │   │   └── governance-spring-namespace-example
  │   ├── transaction-example
  │   │   ├── transaction-2pc-xa-example
  │   │   └── transaction-base-seata-example
  │   ├── other-feature-example
  │   │   ├── hint-example
  │   │   └── encrypt-example
  ├── shardingsphere-proxy-example
  │   ├── shardingsphere-proxy-boot-mybatis-example
  │   └── shardingsphere-proxy-hint-example
  └── src/resources
        └── manual_schema.sql

Available Examples

shardingshow how to use sharding-table\sharding-database\primary-replica-replication with ShardingSphere-JDBC
springboot jpashow how to use SpringBoot JPA with ShardingSphere
springboot mybatisshow how to use SpringBoot Mybatis with ShardingSphere
governanceshow how to use ShardingSphere governance
transactionshow how to use ShardingSphere transaction
hintshow how to use ShardingSphere hint
encryptionshow how to use ShardingSphere encryption
APM(Pending)show how to use APM in ShardingSphere
proxy(Pending)show how to use sharding proxy
dockershow how to use docker to setup the environment for ShardingSphere