ShardingSphere Documents

HOW to build ShardingSphere website?

To build ShardingSphere website by means of hugo and hugo theme learn.

Follow the steps below to deploy ShardingSphere website,

  1. Execute docs/ to generate html files at the directory of docs/target/.
  2. Clone shardingsphere-doc.
  3. Checkout to asf-site branch.
  4. Overwrite document/current with docs/target/document/current, community with docs/target/community and blog with docs/target/blog.
  5. Commit changes and raise a PR for shardingsphere-doc.


  1. If you modify docs/, please test it locally.

HOW to insert a video of Bilibili or YouTube?

  1. First please make sure you get the correct url of the video you want to add.

  2. Use the shortcodes at wherever you want to place:

    • {{< bilibili BV1aE411X7kQ >}}

    • {{< youtube 2MsN8gpT6jY >}}