blob: 7f4eba776c43d9c40d5459fd367e82d27bb433db [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
common: {
home: 'Home',
menuData: [
title: 'Config Center',
child: [
title: 'Config Server',
href: '/config-center'
title: 'Rule Config',
href: '/rule-config'
title: 'Registry Center',
child: [
title: 'Registry Server',
href: '/registry-center'
title: 'Runtime Status',
href: '/runtime-status'
title: 'Data scaling',
href: '/data-scaling'
title: 'Cluster state',
href: '/cluster-state'
connected: 'Connected',
connection: 'Connection',
del: 'Delete',
notify: {
title: 'Prompt',
addSucMessage: 'Add Succeeded',
editSucMessage: 'Edit Succeeded',
conSucMessage: 'Connection Succeeded',
conFailMessage: 'Connection Failed',
delSucMessage: 'Delete Succeeded',
delFailMessage: 'Delete Failed',
updateCompletedMessage: 'Update Completed',
updateFaildMessage: 'Update Faild',
confirmDelOperator: 'Confirm delete'
loginOut: 'Sign Out',
dropdownList: [
title: '中文',
command: 'zh-CN'
title: 'English',
command: 'en-US'
login: {
btnTxt: 'Login',
labelUserName: 'Username',
labelPassword: 'Password'
btn: {
submit: 'Submit',
reset: 'Reset',
cancel: 'Cancel',
confirm: 'Confirm'
input: {
pUserName: 'Please enter user name',
pPaasword: 'Please enter your password'
registryCenter: {
btnTxt: 'ADD',
registDialog: {
title: 'Add a registry center',
editTitle: 'Edit registry center',
name: 'Name',
centerType: 'Instance Type',
address: 'Address',
orchestrationName: 'Orchestration Name',
namespaces: 'Namespace',
digest: 'Digest',
btnConfirmTxt: 'Confirm',
btnCancelTxt: 'Cancel'
table: {
operate: 'Operate',
operateConnect: 'Connect',
operateConnected: 'Connected',
operateDel: 'Del',
operateEdit: 'Edit'
rules: {
name: 'Please enter the name of the registration center',
address: 'Please enter the registration center Address',
namespaces: 'Please enter a Namespace',
centerType: 'Please select a Center Type',
orchestrationName: 'Please enter a Orchestration Name',
digest: 'Please enter a digest'
configCenter: {
btnTxt: 'ADD',
configDialog: {
title: 'Add a config center',
editTitle: 'Edit config center',
name: 'Name',
centerType: 'Instance Type',
address: 'Address',
orchestrationName: 'Orchestration Name',
namespaces: 'Namespace',
digest: 'Digest',
btnConfirmTxt: 'Confirm',
btnCancelTxt: 'Cancel'
table: {
operate: 'Operate',
operateConnect: 'Connect',
operateConnected: 'Connected',
operateDel: 'Del',
operateEdit: 'Edit'
rules: {
name: 'Please enter the name of the config center',
address: 'Please enter the config center Address',
namespaces: 'Please enter a Namespace',
centerType: 'Please select a Center Type',
orchestrationName: 'Please enter a Orchestration Name',
digest: 'Please enter a digest'
runtimeStatus: {
serviceNode: 'Service Node',
slaveDataSourceName: 'Slave DataSource Info',
dataSource: {
schema: 'Schema',
masterDataSourceName: 'Master DataSource Name',
slaveDataSourceName: 'Slave DataSource Name'
instance: {
instanceId: 'Instance Id',
serverIp: 'Server Ip'
ruleConfig: {
form: {
inputPlaceholder: 'Please enter content'
schema: {
title: 'Add Schema',
name: 'Name',
ruleConfig: 'Rule Config',
dataSourceConfig: 'Data Source Config',
metadataConfig: 'Metadata Config'
schemaRules: {
name: 'Please enter the name of the schema',
ruleConfig: 'Please enter the rule config of the schema',
dataSourceConfig: 'Please enter the data source config of the schema',
metadataConfig: 'Please enter the metadata config of the schema'
radioBtn: {
schema: 'Schema',
authentication: 'Authentication',
props: 'Props'
dataScaling: {
btnTxt: 'ADD',
tableList: {
jobId: 'jobId',
jobName: 'jobName',
status: 'status',
operate: 'operate',
operateStop: 'stop',
operateSee: 'see'
registDialog: {
title: 'Add a job',
source: 'Source',
target: 'Target',
jobCount: 'JobCount',
jobCountPlaceholder: 'Please enter jobCount',
username: 'Username',
usernamePlaceholder: 'Please enter username',
password: 'Password',
passwordPlaceholder: 'Please enter password',
url: 'Url',
urlPlaceholder: 'Please enter url',
btnConfirmTxt: 'Confirm',
btnCancelTxt: 'Cancel'
rules: {
source: 'Please select the source of the registration center',
target: 'Please select a target',
serviceUrl: 'ServiceUrl must fill'
notify: {
title: 'Prompt',
conSucMessage: 'Add Succeeded',
conFailMessage: 'Add Failed',
delSucMessage: 'Delete Succeeded',
delFailMessage: 'Delete Failed'
serviceDialog: {
title: 'Data Scaling Setting',
serviceName: 'Service Name',
serviceUrl: 'Service Url',
serviceNamePlaceholder: 'Please enter serviceName',
serviceUrlPlaceholder: 'Please enter serviceUrl'
clusterState: {
legendLabel: {
onLine: 'ONLINE',
offLine: 'OFFLINE',
disabled: 'DISABLED',
unknown: 'UNKNOWN'