blob: 183bebb25e281bf50864ba466baee11f5968732b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
common: {
home: '主页',
menuData: [
title: '应用',
child: [
title: '注册中心配置',
href: '/registry-center'
title: '配置',
href: '/app-config'
title: '作业',
child: [
title: '配置',
href: '/job-config'
title: '状态',
href: '/job-status'
title: '作业历史',
child: [
title: '历史dashboard',
href: '/history-dashboard'
title: '作业历史轨迹',
href: '/history-trace'
title: '作业运行状态',
href: '/history-status'
connect: '已连接',
connection: '连接',
del: '删除',
notify: {
title: '提示',
addSucMessage: '添加成功',
editSucMessage: '修改成功',
actionSucMessage: '操作成功',
conSucMessage: '连接成功',
conFailMessage: '连接失败',
delSucMessage: '删除成功',
delFailMessage: '删除失败',
updateCompletedMessage: '更新成功',
updateFaildMessage: '更新失败',
appNotRegisterMessage: '应用未注册',
confirmDelOperator: '确认删除'
loginOut: '退出登录',
dropdownList: [
title: '中文',
command: 'Chinese'
title: 'English',
command: 'English'
login: {
btnTxt: '登录',
labelUserName: '用户名',
labelPassword: '密码'
btn: {
submit: '提交',
reset: '重置',
cancel: '取消',
confirm: '确定'
input: {
pUserName: '请输入用户名',
pPaasword: '请输入密码'
registryCenter: {
btnTxt: '添加',
registDialog: {
title: '添加注册中心',
editTitle: '编辑注册中心',
name: '注册中心名称',
centerType: '注册中心类型',
address: '注册中心地址',
orchestrationName: '数据治理实例',
namespaces: '命名空间',
digest: '登录凭证',
btnConfirmTxt: '确定',
btnCancelTxt: '取消'
table: {
operate: '操作',
operateConnect: '连接',
operateConnected: '已连接',
operateDel: '删除',
operateEdit: '编辑'
rules: {
name: '请输入注册中心名称',
centerType: '请选择注册中心类型',
namespaces: '请输入命名空间',
address: '请选输入注册中心地址',
orchestrationName: '请输入数据治理实例名称',
digest: '请输入登录凭证'
appConfig: {
btnTxt: '添加',
addDialog: {
title: '添加应用',
appName: '应用名称',
script: '启动脚本',
cpu: 'CPU核数',
memory: '占用内存(MB)',
sampling: '作业事件采样次数(仅Daemon)',
cacheEnable: '是否在本地缓存应用',
appURL: '应用所在路径'
dialog: {
editTitle: '修改应用',
detailTitle: '应用详情'
table: {
appName: '应用名称',
appUrl: '应用所在路径',
script: '启动脚本',
operate: '操作',
operateDetail: '详情',
operateModify: '修改',
operateDel: '删除',
operateDisable: '失效',
operateEnable: '生效'
rules: {
appName: '请输入应用名称',
appURL: '请输入应用所在路径',
bootstrapScript: '请输入启动脚本',
cpuCount: '请输入CPU核数',
memoryMB: '请输入内存占用',
eventTraceSamplingCount: '请输入作业事件采样次数'
tips: {
disableSuccess: '失效成功',
enableSuccess: '生效成功'
jobConfig: {
labelInfo: {
addBtnText: '添加',
jobName: '作业名称',
appName: '应用名称',
shardingTotalCount: '作业分片总数',
cron: 'Cron表达式',
description: '作业描述信息',
status: '状态',
jobExecutionType: '执行类型',
jobParameter: '自定义参数',
cpuCount: 'CPU核数',
memoryMB: '单片作业内存(MB)',
failover: '支持自动失效转移',
misfire: '支持错过重执行',
applicationContext: 'Spring配置文件相对路径及名称',
shardingItemParameters: '分片序列号/参数对照表',
scriptCommandLine: 'SCRIPT类型作业命令行执行脚本',
streamingProcess: '是否流式处理数据',
beanName: '实体名称',
addTitle: '添加作业',
editTitle: '修改作业',
operate: '操作'
rules: {
jobName: '请输入作业名称',
appName: '请输入应用名称',
jobExecutionType: '请选择执行类型',
shardingTotalCount: '请输入作业分片总数',
applicationContext: 'META-INF\\applicationContext.xml',
shardingItemParameters: '0=a,1=b,2=c',
cron: '请输入Cron表达式',
cpuCount: '请输入CPU核数',
memoryMB: '请输入单片作业内存(MB)',
description: '请输入作业描述信息',
status: '请选择作业状态'
statusText: {
OK: '正常',
DISABLED: '已失效',
CRASHED: '已下线',
PENDING: '等待运行',
actionText: {
modify: '修改',
detail: '详情',
trigger: '触发',
disable: '失效',
enable: '生效',
shutdown: '终止',
remove: '删除'
jobStatus: {
tab: {
running: '运行任务',
ready: '待运行任务',
failover: '待失效转移任务'
labelInfo: {
id: '任务主键',
taskName: '任务名称',
jobName: '作业名称',
severIp: '服务器IP',
type: '执行类型',
shardingItems: '分片项',
times: '剩余执行次数',
originalTaskId: '原任务主键',
operate: '操作'
historyTrace: {
column: {
jobName: '作业名称',
taskId: '任务主键',
serverIp: '服务器IP',
executeSource: '执行来源',
executeResult: '执行结果',
failureCause: '失败原因',
startTime: '开始时间',
completeTime: '完成时间'
searchForm: {
jobName: '请输入作业名称',
taskId: '请输入任务主键',
serverIp: '请输入服务器IP',
startTime: '请输入开始时间',
CompleteTime: '请输入完成时间',
executeResult: '请选择执行结果',
executeSuccess: '成功',
executeFailed: '失败'
historyStatus: {
column: {
jobName: '作业名称',
taskId: '任务主键',
serverIp: '服务器IP',
executeSource: '执行来源',
shardingItem: '分片项',
executeType: '执行类型',
state: '状态',
createTime: '创建时间',
remark: '备注'
searchForm: {
jobName: '请输入作业名称',
taskId: '请输入任务主键',
serverIp: '请输入服务器IP',
executeSource: '请选择执行来源',
executeType: '请选择执行类型',
startTime: '请输入创建开始时间',
CompleteTime: '请输入创建结束时间',
state: '选择状态',
stateStaging: '等待运行',
stateFailed: '运行失败',
stateFinished: '已完成',
stateRunning: '运行中',
stateError: '启动失败',
stateKilled: '主动终止'
historyDashboard: {
successAndFailCount: '作业成功/失败数',
jobType: '作业分类',
jobExecutionTypeJob: '作业执行类型',
jobTaskRunningCount: '作业/任务运行数',
currentJobsCount: '接入平台作业数',
jobInfoForOneMinute: '一分钟作业情况',
jobInfoForOneHour: '一小时作业情况',
jobInfoForOneWeek: '一周作业情况',
jobSuccessCount: '作业成功数',
jobFailureCount: '作业失败数',
taskRunningCount: '任务运行数',
jobRunningCount: '作业运行数',
success: '成功',
failed: '失败'