blob: df6b96511d2ecb4d75fd66091015541147e2e6f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
common: {
home: 'Home',
menuData: [
title: 'APP',
child: [
title: 'Registry center',
href: '/registry-center'
title: 'Config',
href: '/app-config'
title: 'Job',
child: [
title: 'Config',
href: '/job-config'
title: 'Status',
href: '/job-status'
title: 'Job history',
child: [
title: 'History dashboard',
href: '/history-dashboard'
title: 'Job trace',
href: '/history-trace'
title: 'History status',
href: '/history-status'
connected: 'Connected',
connection: 'Connection',
del: 'Delete',
notify: {
title: 'Prompt',
addSucMessage: 'Add Succeeded',
editSucMessage: 'Edit Succeeded',
actionSucMessage: 'Operation Succeeded',
conSucMessage: 'Connection Succeeded',
conFailMessage: 'Connection Failed',
delSucMessage: 'Delete Succeeded',
delFailMessage: 'Delete Failed',
updateCompletedMessage: 'Update Completed',
updateFaildMessage: 'Update Faild',
appNotRegisterMessage: 'App name is unregistered',
confirmDelOperator: 'Confirm delete'
loginOut: 'Sign Out',
dropdownList: [
title: '中文',
command: 'zh-CN'
title: 'English',
command: 'en-US'
login: {
btnTxt: 'Login',
labelUserName: 'Username',
labelPassword: 'Password'
btn: {
submit: 'Submit',
reset: 'Reset',
cancel: 'Cancel',
confirm: 'Confirm'
input: {
pUserName: 'Please enter user name',
pPaasword: 'Please enter your password'
registryCenter: {
btnTxt: 'ADD',
registDialog: {
title: 'Add a registry center',
editTitle: 'Edit registry center',
name: 'Name',
centerType: 'Instance Type',
address: 'Zookeeper address',
orchestrationName: 'Orchestration Name',
namespaces: 'Namespace',
digest: 'Digest',
btnConfirmTxt: 'Confirm',
btnCancelTxt: 'Cancel'
table: {
operate: 'Operate',
operateConnect: 'Connect',
operateConnected: 'Connected',
operateDel: 'Del',
operateEdit: 'Edit'
rules: {
name: 'Please enter the name of the registration center',
address: 'Please enter the registration center Address',
namespaces: 'Please enter a Namespace',
centerType: 'Please select a Center Type',
orchestrationName: 'Please enter a Orchestration Name',
digest: 'Please enter a digest'
appConfig: {
btnTxt: 'ADD',
addDialog: {
title: 'Add app',
appName: 'App name',
script: 'Bootstrap script',
cpu: 'CPU count',
memory: 'Memory(MB)',
sampling: 'Event trace sampling count',
cacheEnable: 'App cache enable',
appURL: 'App URL'
dialog: {
editTitle: 'Modify app',
detailTitle: 'App detail'
table: {
appName: 'App name',
appUrl: 'App URL',
script: 'Bootstrap script',
operate: 'Operate',
operateDetail: 'Detail',
operateModify: 'Update',
operateDisable: 'Disable',
operateEnable: 'Enable',
operateDel: 'Del'
rules: {
appName: 'Please input app name',
appURL: 'Please input app url',
bootstrapScript: 'Please input bootstrap script',
cpuCount: 'Please input cpu count',
memoryMB: 'Please input memory',
eventTraceSamplingCount: 'Please input event trace sampling count'
tips: {
disableSuccess: 'Disable Success',
enableSuccess: 'Enable Success'
jobConfig: {
labelInfo: {
addBtnText: 'ADD',
jobName: 'Job name',
appName: 'App name',
shardingTotalCount: 'Sharding total count',
cron: 'Crontab',
description: 'Description',
status: 'Status',
jobExecutionType: 'Execution type',
jobParameter: 'Job parameter',
cpuCount: 'CPU count',
memoryMB: 'Memory(MB)',
failover: 'Failover',
misfire: 'Misfire',
applicationContext: 'Application context',
shardingItemParameters: 'Sharding item parameters',
scriptCommandLine: 'Script command line',
streamingProcess: 'Streaming process',
beanName: 'Bean name',
addTitle: 'Add job',
editTitle: 'Update job',
operate: 'Operate'
rules: {
jobName: 'Please enter the Job name',
appName: 'Please input app name',
jobExecutionType: 'Please input Execution type',
shardingTotalCount: 'Please enter the Sharding total count',
applicationContext: 'Please input META-INF\\applicationContext.xml',
shardingItemParameters: 'Please input 0=a,1=b,2=c',
cron: 'Please enter the Crontab',
cpuCount: 'Please input CPU count',
memoryMB: 'Please input Memory(MB)',
description: 'Please enter the Description',
status: 'Please enter the Status'
statusText: {
OK: 'Enabled',
DISABLED: 'Disabled',
CRASHED: 'Crashed',
PENDING: 'Staging',
actionText: {
modify: 'Update',
detail: 'Detail',
trigger: 'Trigger',
disable: 'Disable',
enable: 'Enable',
shutdown: 'Shutdown',
remove: 'Remove'
jobStatus: {
tab: {
running: 'Running tasks',
ready: 'Ready jobs',
failover: 'Failover tasks'
labelInfo: {
id: 'Task ID',
taskName: 'Task name',
jobName: 'Job name',
severIp: 'Server IP',
type: 'Job execution type',
shardingItems: 'Sharding item',
times: 'Remaining execution times',
originalTaskId: 'Original task ID',
operate: 'Operate'
historyTrace: {
column: {
jobName: 'Job name',
taskId: 'Task ID',
serverIp: 'Server IP',
executeSource: 'Execute source',
executeResult: 'Execute result',
failureCause: 'Failure reason',
startTime: 'Start time',
completeTime: 'Complete time'
searchForm: {
jobName: 'Job name',
taskId: 'Task ID',
serverIp: 'Server ip',
startTime: 'Start time',
CompleteTime: 'Complete time',
executeResult: 'Select execute result',
executeSuccess: 'Success',
executeFailed: 'Failure'
historyStatus: {
column: {
jobName: 'Job name',
taskId: 'Task ID',
serverIp: 'Server IP',
executeSource: 'Execute source',
shardingItem: 'Sharding item',
executeType: 'Execute type',
state: 'Status',
createTime: 'Creation time',
remark: 'Comments'
searchForm: {
jobName: 'Job name',
taskId: 'Task ID',
serverIp: 'Server IP',
executeSource: 'Execute source',
executeType: 'Execute type',
startTime: 'Creation start time',
CompleteTime: 'Creation end time',
state: 'Select state',
stateStaging: 'Staging',
stateFailed: 'Failed',
stateFinished: 'Finished',
stateRunning: 'Running',
stateError: 'Error',
stateKilled: 'Killed'
historyDashboard: {
successAndFailCount: 'Success and failure count',
jobType: 'Job type',
jobExecutionTypeJob: 'execution type',
jobTaskRunningCount: 'Job and task running count',
currentJobsCount: 'Registry jobs count',
jobInfoForOneMinute: 'Job info for one minute',
jobInfoForOneHour: 'Job info for one hour',
jobInfoForOneWeek: 'Job info for one week',
jobSuccessCount: 'Job success count',
jobFailureCount: 'Job failure count',
taskRunningCount: 'Task running count',
jobRunningCount: 'Job running count',
success: 'Success',
failed: 'Failed'