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WSDL First JBI Service Assembly Example
Publish a WSDL-defined web service, as a JBI service assembly, using CXF.
This example is the same as the cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-package example except
it is deployed as a JBI service assembly, whereas the cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-
package example is deployed as OSGi bundles.
The CXF service engine and CXF binding component are used to expose the
web service. Each one is packaged in a service unit (SU), as follows:
1. CXF service engine (see the wsdl-first-cxfse-su directory):
- Contains a copy of the service WSDL file, person.wsdl, in the
src/main/resources directory.
- The service implementation file,, in the
src/main/java/org/apache/servicemix/samples/wsdl_first directory.
It contains JAX-WS annotations that specify which web service
it implements:
@WebService(serviceName = "PersonService",
targetNamespace = "",
endpointInterface = "org.apache.servicemix.samples.wsdl_first.Person")
- A configuration file, xbean.xml, located in the src/main/resources
directory, which configures the CXF endpoint:
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.samples.wsdl_first.PersonImpl" />
2. CXF binding component (see the wsdl-first-cxfbc-su directory):
- Contains a copy of the service WSDL file, person.wsdl, in the
src/main/resources directory.
- A configuration file, xbean.xml, located in the src/main/resources
directory, which specifies a CXF consumer that will accept
incoming calls for that web service and pass them to the NMR:
<cxfbc:consumer wsdl="classpath:person.wsdl"
Lastly, Maven uses the pom.xml file, located in the wsdl-first-cxf-sa
directory, to package the SUs into a JBI service assembly (SA) ready
for deployment.
Prerequisites for Building and Running this Example
1. You must have the following installed on your machine:
- JDK 1.5 or higher.
- Apache Maven 2.0.9 or higher.
For more information, see the README in the top-level examples
2. Launch ServiceMix by running the following command:
<servicemix_home>/bin/servicemix (on UNIX)
<servicemix_home>\bin\servicemix (on Windows)
Building and Deploying
To build the example, run the following command (from the
directory that contains this README):
mvn install
If all of the required OSGi bundles are available in your local Maven
repository, the example will build quickly. Otherwise it may take
some time for Maven to download everything it needs.
Once complete, you will find the SA, called wsdl-first-cxf-sa-
${version}.zip, in the wsdl-first-cxf-sa/target directory.
You can deploy the SA in two ways:
- Using Hot Deployment
Copy the wsdl-first-cxf-sa/target/wsdl-first-cxf-sa-${version}.zip
to the <servicemix_home>/deploy directory.
- Using the ServiceMix Console
Enter the following command:
osgi:install -s mvn:org.apache.servicemix.examples.cxf-wsdl-first/wsdl-first-cxf-sa/${version}/zip
You can browse the WSDL at:
Running a Client
To run the web client:
1. Open the client.html, which is located in the same directory
as this README file, in your favorite browser.
2. Click the Send button to send a request.
Once the request has been successfully sent, a response similar
to the following should appear in the right-hand panel of the
web page:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<soap:Body><GetPersonResponse xmlns="
To run the Java code client:
1. Change to the <servicemix_home>/examples/cxf-wsdl-first/client
2. Run the following command:
mvn compile exec:java
If the client request is successful, a response similar to the
following should appear in the ServiceMix console:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<soap:Body><GetPersonResponse xmlns="
Stopping and Uninstalling the Example
To stop the example, you must first know the bundle ID that ServiceMix
has assigned to it. To get the bundle ID, enter the following command
in the ServiceMix console:
At the end of the listing, you should see an entry similar to one of
the following (depending on how you deployed the example):
[ 183] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 60] mvn:org.apache.servicemix.examples.cxf-wsdl-first/wsdl-first-cxf-sa/${version}/zip
[ 183] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 60] wsdl-first-cxf-sa (0.0.0)
In this case, the bundle ID is 183.
To stop the example, enter the following command in the ServiceMix
osgi:stop <bundle_id>
To uninstall the example, enter the following command in the
ServiceMix console:
osgi:uninstall <bundle_id>
Viewing the Log Entries
You can view the entries in the log file in the data/log directory
of your ServiceMix installation, or by typing the following command
in the ServiceMix console:
Changing the Example
If you want to change the code or configuration, just use 'mvn install'
to rebuild the JBI Service Assembly zip file, and deploy it as before.