blob: 1dc5ac4ff4ac17e11fea84dff431e8b7a053f485 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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NOT.IMPLEMENTED=not yet implemented
INVOKE.SERVICE=invoking service\t
CREATE.MESSAGE.EXCHANGE=create message exchange svc:\t
EXCHANGE.ENDPOINT=exchange endpoint:\t
NO.MESSAGE=no message yet
UNABLE.RETRIEVE.MESSAGE=unable to retrieve message
CONTEXT.MUST.BE=context must be of type JBIOutputStreamMessageContext
RECEIVED.MESSAGE=received message:\t
ACTIVE.JBI.SERVER.TRANSPORT=activating JBI server transport
BUILDING.DOCUMENT=building document from bytes
CREATE.NORMALIZED.MESSAGE=creating NormalizedMessage
POST.DISPATCH=postDispatch sending out message to NWR
ERROR.SEND.MESSAGE=error sending Out message
DISPATCH.MESSAGE.ON.CALLBACK=dispatching message on callback:\t
ERROR.PREPARE.MESSAGE=error preparing message
RECEIVE.THREAD.START=JBIServerTransport message receiving thread started
DISPATCH.TO.SU=dispatching to CXF service unit
NO.SU.FOUND=no CXFServiceUnit found
ERROR.DISPATCH.THREAD=error running dispatch thread
JBI.SERVER.TRANSPORT.MESSAGE.PROCESS.THREAD.EXIT=JBIServerTransport message processing thread exiting
CONFIG.DELIVERY.CHANNEL=configuring DeliveryChannel:\t
CONFIG.SU.MANAGER=configuring ServiceUnitManager:\t
JBI.TRANSPORT.FACTORY.NOT.INITIALIZED=JBITransportFactory is not properly initialized
JBI.TRANSPORT.FACTORY.NOT.FULLY.INITIALIZED=JBITransport factory not fully initialized
CREATE.SERVER.TRANSPORT=creating JBI server transport
CREATE.CLIENT.TRANSPORT=creating JBI client transport
UNKNOWN_OPERATION=unknown operation {0}
NO_OPERATION_ELEMENT=no operation element
NO_JBI_MESSAGE_ELEMENT=no jbi message element
NOT_ENOUGH_PARTS=not enough parts
NO_JBI_PART_ELEMENT=no jbi part element
EXPECTED_ELEMENT_IN_PART=expected element in part
TOO_MANY_PARTS=too many parts
ILLEGAL_JBIFAULT_FORMAT=illegal jbi fault format
STAX_READ_EXC=stax read exception
XML_WRITE_EXC=xml write exception
STAX_WRITE_EXC=stax write exception
NOT_EQUAL_ARG_NUM=The number of arguments is not equal
NEED_JBIBINDING=BindingInfo should be a JbiBindingInfo
NO_EXCEPTION=No exception on this message
NO_XML_STREAM_WRITER=No XMLStreamWriter on this message