| Camel comes with over 80 components, so you can imagine that we don't install all of them by default. This section shows you how to find available components and how to install them at runtime. |
| |
| h3. List available components |
| Camel components are available as installable features. You can look at the full list of available features using the {{features:list}} command, using {{grep}} to limit things down to features related to camel: |
| |
| {pygmentize:lang=text} |
| karaf@root> features:list | grep camel |
| [installed ] [${camel.version} ] camel repo-0 |
| [installed ] [${camel.version} ] camel-core repo-0 |
| [installed ] [${camel.version} ] camel-spring repo-0 |
| [installed ] [${camel.version} ] camel-blueprint repo-0 |
| [uninstalled] [${camel.version} ] camel-test repo-0 |
| [uninstalled] [${camel.version} ] camel-cxf repo-0 |
| [uninstalled] [${camel.version} ] camel-cache repo-0 |
| [uninstalled] [${camel.version} ] camel-castor repo-0 |
| ... |
| {pygmentize} |
| |
| The items marked with *{{installed}}* in the first column have already been installed and are available for use in your Camel routes. |
| |
| h3. Install and uninstalling components |
| You can use {{features:install}} to install any component on the list. |
| |
| An example: to install the {{camel-cache}} component |
| {pygmentize:lang=text} |
| karaf@root> features:install camel-cache |
| {pygmentize} |
| |
| Similarly, you can also uninstall components that you're no longer using with {{features:uninstall}} |
| {pygmentize:lang=text} |
| karaf@root> features:uninstall camel-cache |
| {pygementize} |