blob: 938e2f092225ecb40633d36f4529355a0e4d961e [file] [log] [blame]
h2. Installation
!/images/smx4-start.gif|title=Launch ServiceMix 4!
h3. Requirements
h4. Hardware
* 100 MB of disk space for the ServiceMix &version; binary distribution.
h4. Operating Systems
* Microsoft Windows : XP SP2, 2000, 2003, Vista, 7
* Unix : any Unix/Linux platform that supports Java.
h4. Environment
* At runtime: Java Runtime Environment (JDK) 1.5.x (Java 5) or higher
* At development time:
** Java Developer Kit (JDK) 1.5.x (Java 5) or higher
** Apache Maven 2.2.1 or higher
h4. Get Apache ServiceMix ${servicemix.version}
You can download Apache ServiceMix ${servicemix.version} here:
Apache ServiceMix is provided in two formats:
* tarball for Unix platform
* zip for Windows platform
h3. Standalone Binary Distribution Installation Procedure
h4. Installing
First you need to uncompress the downloaded archive (tarball or zip) in the directory of your choice (where you have write permissions).
Define the SERVICEMIX_HOME variable:
* Windows \\
> set SERVICEMIX_HOME=C:\apache-servicemix-${servicemix.version}
* Linux/Unix \\
$ export SERVICEMIX_HOME=/apache-servicemix-&version;
h4. Starting ServiceMix
* Windows
> .\bin\servicemix
* Linux/Unix
$ ./bin/servicemix
h4. Stopping ServiceMix
For both Windows and Unix installations, terminate ServiceMix by typing "CTRL-C" on the command line where ServiceMix is running. ServiceMix uses the Java shutdown hook to cleanly shut down the container.
h3. ServiceMix Into A JEE Application Server Installation Procedure
// TODO: write this bit
h3. ServiceMix Configuration
This section contains description of main ServiceMix directories and files :
|| File/directory || Description ||
| {{activemq-data}} | this directory is created by the ServiceMix at startup time. It contains the messages and transactions repository of the embedded Apache ActiveMQ. |
| {{bin/servicemix}} | contains the main startup script of Apache ServiceMix. |
| {{conf/activemq.xml}} | contains the embedded Apache ActiveMQ configuration. This file shouldn't be modified as it's managed by internal ServiceMix processes |
| {{conf/}} | contains the tuning of embedded JBI components. See the tuning section for more informations. |
| {{conf/servicemix.conf}} | contains the ServiceMix launcher classloading definition. This file shouldn't be modified. |
| {{conf/}} | it's the main ServiceMix configuration file. It defines the port numbers used by the ServiceMix. You can change this file if one of the port number is already bound on your system.
By default, ServiceMix uses the following ports :
* 1099 (rmi.port) - the core RMI port used by the ServiceMix.
* 61616 (activemq.port) - the embedded Apache ActiveMQ port. |
| {{conf/servicemix.xml}} | contains the main ServiceMix Spring application context. This file mustn't be modified. |
| {{conf/}} | contains ServiceMix JAAS security group definition. You can define group security to access to ServiceMix via JMX. |
| {{conf/jmx.xml}} | contains ServiceMix JMX layer application context. This file mustn't be modified. |
| {{conf/}} | contains the default ServiceMix JNDI definition. This file shouldn't be modified as it's managed by ServiceMix internal processes. |
| {{conf/keystore.jks}} | contains the security keys and certificates used by ServiceMix security layer. This file mustn't be modified. |
| {{conf/log4j.xml}} | contains ServiceMix logging definition. You can change this file to change the default log level of ServiceMix components. You can add new loggers if required. |
| {{conf/}} | contains ServiceMix JAAS security definition. This file mustn't be changed. |
| {{conf/security.xml}} | contains ServiceMix Security layer application context. This file mustn't be modified. |
| {{conf/tx.xml}} | contains ServiceMix Transaction layer application context. This file mustn't be modified. |
| {{conf/}} | contains ServiceMix JAAS security users and credentials (in case of external security module). You can define users allowed to administrate ServiceMix via JMX. |
| {{conf/}} | contains basic ServiceMix JAAS seucrity users and passwords (internal). You can add users allowed to administrate ServiceMix via JMX. |
| {{data/log/servicemix.log}} | this file is created by ServiceMix at startup time. It contains main ServiceMix log file. |
| {{data}} | this directory is created by ServiceMix at startup time. It contains all required file (storage) required by ServiceMix internal components. |
| {{extras}} | this directory contains extras JAR files required by JBI components deployed in ServiceMix. If you want to add JAR files in ServiceMix classloader, use {{lib}} directory. |
| {{hotdeploy}} | this directory contains JBI components (services) automatically deployed by ServiceMix. |
| {{lib}} | this directory contains all required JAR files for ServiceMix. You can add new JAR file in this directory if required. |
h3. Deploying components and services into ServiceMix
h3. Tuning ServiceMix
You can tune ServiceMix at three basic levels :
* Underlying JVM: ServiceMix uses an underlying JVM to run. By default, the JVM configuration is set to 512MB of maximum memory usage (that is enough for most of usage). Anyway if you encounter OutOfMemory problem and bad performances, you can define JVM parameters. To do it, create a {{conf/servicemix.rc}} file. In this file, you can define JAVA_MIN_MEM and JAVA_MAX_MEM variables.
* Core Engine Tuning: in the {{conf/}} file, you can see three properties :
| {{smx.corePoolSize}} | define the startup number of ServiceMix threads. By default, 16 threads are started. |
| {{smx.maximumPoolSize}} | define the maximum number of ServiceMix threads. If you see some bottlenecks around thread waits, you can increase this value. By default, 32 threads maximum are allowed. |
| {{smx.queueSize}} | define the maximum of messages store in the embedded Apache ActiveMQ. If you see some bottlenecks around message waits, you can increase this value. By default, ServiceMix can store 256 messages. |
* Components Tuning: You can tune ServiceMix embedded JBI components using the {{conf/}} file. By default, this file contains the basic tuning for the HTTP components.