blob: 659b31b5d9b302122c50e639246e7046d06657bd [file] [log] [blame]
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<% if (jbi(requestUri)) { %>
<div class="note">
<h1>JBI Support deprecated in Apache ServiceMix 4</h1>
<p>JBI 1.0 support is available in Apache ServiceMix 4 to allow existing users to migrate more easily to this latest version - if you're a new user, you should consider JBI deprecated and not use it for your project.
Take a look at our <a href="${uri("/users-guide/getting-started/technology-selection.html")}"</a>technology selection guidelines</a> for more information.</p>
<% } %>
<% if (activiti(requestUri)) { %>
<div class="warn">
<p>Due to issue <a href=""</a>SM-2287</a>, Activiti needs to be added in ServiceMix 5 to the boot features before usage.</p>
<p>To add a boot feature, append the feature name to the <code>featuresBoot</code> list in the <code>etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg</code>. Afterwards, remove the data directory and start ServiceMix again.</p>
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