title: mesher Get started lang: en ref: mesher-quick-start permalink: /docs/mesher-quick-start/ excerpt: Describe how to use mesher to merge into the servicecomb microservice system last_modified_at: 2019-08-08T14:01:43.000Z

Install development environment

Run Service Center

In the ServiceComb microservices framework, Service Center provides service registration and service discovery.

docker pull servicecomb/service-center
docker run -d -p 30100:30100 servicecomb/service-center:latest

Reference to service center deployment to learn deploying Service Center and front as a local binary.

Use mesher to merge into the servicecomb microservice system


  • This use case is mainly to help users get started quickly with mesher sidecar mode. We hope that users can understand the working mode of mesher and learn how to merge the existing http service into the ServiceComb micro-service system with mesher. The final goal is to help user get the micro-service capabilities such as load balancing, flow control, service management and call chain tracing provided by servicecomb. The full case will be submitted to Case Download.

mesher use case service introduction

  • 1 httpserver_calculator. A http server based on python which is for BMI calculator and can be developed by any language.
  • 2 httpserver_webapp. A http server based on nodejs which is used for displaying results on the browser.
  • 3 mesher_webapp. A mesher instance which serves for httpserver_webapp via sidecar mode.
  • 4 mesher_calculator. A mesher instance which serves for httpserver_calculator via sidecar mode.
  • 5 servicecenter. Servicecenter which receives registration of mesher service and provides services as service discovery, routing query, service monitoring and so on.

mesher deployment diagram

Process details

  • 1 The browser[] execute a http call to the httpserver_webapp service with url

  • 2 The httpserver_webapp service receives the request and execute http call http://calculator/bmi. Because the proxy is set as, the request initiated by httpserver_webapp will be forwarded to the mesher_webapp service.

  • 3 mesher_webapp gets the address of the service name(the service name calculator here is configured in microservice.yaml) from the servicecenter and forwarded to mesher_calculator.

  • 4 mesher_calculator service forward http requests to the httpserver_calculator service.

  • 5 httpserver_calculator will calculate according to the input parameters(height and weight). The result containing service id and body mass index will be displayed on the browser. The flow chart is as follows:


Environmental construction

  • 1 Compile mesher download. Download the project and get the executable mesher(linux) or mesher.exe(windows) by README.md.

  • 2 Create mesher_webapp which serves for httpserver_webapp. In the mesher directory execute the following linux command to create mesher_webapp. In order to the run mesher you also need to copy the conf.

    mkdir /usr/local/src/mesher_webapp
    cp ./mesher /usr/local/src/mesher_webapp
    cp -r ./conf /usr/local/src/mesher_webapp

    Change service name in microservice.yaml from hellemesher to webapp. Change the listening service address in chassis.yaml from to intranet ip(Viewed by cmd ifconfig in linux, such as

    listenAddress:  -----》  listenAddress:
    listenAddress:  -----》  listenAddress:
    listenAddress:  -----》  listenAddress:
  • 3 Create mesher_calculator service.

    mkdir /usr/local/src/mesher_calculator
    cp ./mesher /usr/local/src/mesher_calculator
    cp -r ./conf /usr/local/src/mesher_calculator

    Change the service name in conf file microservice.yaml from hellemesher to calculator.
    Change the listening address and port in conf file chassis.yaml.

    listenAddress:  -----》  listenAddress:
    listenAddress:  -----》  listenAddress:
    listenAddress:  -----》  listenAddress:
  • 4 Run mesher_webapp and mesher_calculator respectively by cmd.

    cd /usr/local/src/mesher_calculator
    export SPECIFIC_ADDR=
    cd /usr/local/src/mesher_webapp
  • 5 Run httpserver_webapp.

    cd /usr/local/src/httpserver_webapp
    npm install
    export http_proxy=
    node ./httpserver_webapp.js
  • 6 Run httpserver_calculator program as BMI calculator. You need to install python2.7 and this service relies on package BaseHTTPServer.

    cd /usr/local/src/httpserver_calculator

Start testing

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