layout: splash lang: en ref: home permalink: / header: overlay_image: /assets/images/servicecomb-banner-s.png caption: excerpt: 'Open-Source, Full-Stack Microservice Solution.With out of the box, high performance, compatible with popular ecology, multi-language support


  • excerpt: "


  • image_path: /assets/images/servicecomb-feature-openapi.png alt: “Standard” title: “Service Contract” url: excerpt: “Service contract guarantee based on OpenAPI
  • image_path: /assets/images/servicecomb-feature-quickstart.png alt: “Efficient” title: “Rapid Development” url: /docs/products/java-chassis/quick-start/ excerpt: “One-click scaffolding, out of the box, speed up building of microservice applications”
  • image_path: /assets/images/servicecomb-feature-multiLanguage.png alt: “MultiLanguage” title: “Multiple Languages” url: /docs/products/mesher/quick-start/ excerpt: “Ecological extension supports multiple development languages such as Java/Golang/PHP/NodeJS”

{% include feature_row id=“intro” type=“center” %}