title: “Using Confd and Nginx for Edge Service” lang: en ref: edging-service-nginx permalink: /docs/users/edging-service/nginx/ excerpt: “Using Confd and Nginx for Edge Service” last_modified_at: 2017-08-15T15:01:43-04:00 redirect_from:

  • /theme-setup/

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Concept Description


confd is a lightweight configuration management tool. The source code address is: https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd), It can store configuration information in etcd, consul, dynamodb, redis, and zookeeper. confd regularly pulls the latest configuration from storage nodes and then reloads services to complete updating the configuration file.


Nginx (engine x) is a high-performance HTTP and reverse proxy server that has the load balancing function. For details, see http://www.nginx.cn/doc/. This secton describes the HTTP proxy function of Nginx.


This section describes how to use Nginx and confd to serve as edge services. Also, you can connect Nginx and confd to service center in the Java Chassis microservice framework and dynamically update configuration of Nginx using confd.

For details about how to use the dynamic reverse proxy of Nginx and confd, see http://www.cnblogs.com/Anker/p/6112022.html, This section describes how to interconnect Confd with the service center of the Java Chassis framework.

Interconnecting with the Service Center

This section describes how to enable confd to obtain service information from the service center. The service center provides the following APIs for external calls:

Method 1: HTTP call

The tenant header information of “X-Tenant-Name:tenantName” needs to be added to the HTTP API in the Service Center. tenameName is the tenant name. The default value is default, such as X-Tenant-Name:default.

  • Check the health status of the service center

  • Obtain all microservice information

  • Obtain the microservice information with a specified ID

  1. Obtain the service ID based on the microservice information

  2. Obtain complete microservice information based on the service ID returned by API

  • Obtain all instance information from specified microservice


    Add the following information to the header file:


  • Searching microservice instance information


    Add the following information to the header file:


NOTE: The preceding service center address is provides as example only. Set the variables enclosed in curly brackets ({}) as needed. The data returned via HTTP is in JSON format.

Method 2: Using the open-source code API

During the development of the microservice application, you only need to call the API provided by the tool RegistryUtil.java in the ServiceComb framework code to obtain the information in the Service Center. The API is described as follows:

  • Obtain all microservice information

    List<Microservice> getAllMicroservices();
  • Obtain the unique ID of the microservice.

    String getMicroserviceId(String appId, String microserviceName, String versionRule);
  • Query the microservice static information based on the unique ID of the microservice.

    Microservice getMicroservice(String microserviceId);
  • Query all the microservice instance information based on the unique IDs of the microservices.

    List<MicroserviceInstance> getMicroserviceInstance(String consumerId, String providerId);
  • Query the instance end points information based on the application, interface, and version.

    List<MicroserviceInstance> findServiceInstance(String consumerId, String appId, String serviceName,String versionRule);

You can obtain information about the microservice and instance of the Service Center using the HTTP API to dynamically update the Nginx configuration using confd.