title: “Becomming a Committer” lang: en ref: becomming-a-committer permalink: /developers/becomming-a-commiter excerpt: “Becoming a committer of Apache ServiceComb” last_modified_at: 2018-06-19T09:46:01+08:00

ServiceComb follows the Apache way to build the community. Anyone can become a committer once they have contributed sufficiently to the project and earned the trust.

Contribute and Earn The Trust

See the contributing guide on how to become a contributor.

ServiceComb is a meritocracy the same as Apache. Once you have shown sufficient sustained commitment to the project and earned the trust, the PMC may invite you to be a committer.

There are multiple actions other than coding to build the trust in the ServiceComb community, code review, design discussion, user support, community outreach, documentation, project management etc.

New Committer Process

The ServiceComb community follows the Apache Community's process on accepting a new committer.

  • Start the vote in @private.
  • If the vote passes, send an offer to become a committer with @private CC'ed.
  • Add the committer to the team page
  • Setup committer rights