title: “FAQ” lang: en ref: faq permalink: /users/faq/ excerpt: “FAQ” last_modified_at: 2017-06-06T10:01:43-04:00 redirect_from:

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  1. Q: What need to be cautious when using Java-Chassis?

    A: There are a few restrictions when using Java-Chassis:

    • Before version 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT, it does not support annotations like @GetMapping.
    • When using the same HTTP request method, e.g. GET, the method name need to be unique as it will become operation ID when swagger generates contracts.
    • Class and method name need to be public.
  2. Q: When using the spring-boot-starter-provider dependency, property like spring.main.web-environment not working in application.yml file.

    A: When you need both the starter provider dependency and the servlet, you need to declare spring.main.web-environment in application.properties file or declare it in application.yml file and create an empty application.properties file.

  3. Q: What's the dependency differences between gateway and other microservices?


    A: Gateway depends on not only the spring-boot-starter-provider, but also the spring-boot-starter-discovery. This can refer to the manger implementation of LinuxCon-Beijing-Workshop.

  4. Q: Do gateway need to configure assembly like the other microservices? Is /maven/gateway the default path of the docker maven plugin?

    A: Yes. Docker maven plugin relies on the assembly files to generate docker image. /maven is the default path of docker maven plugin and /gateway is the path defined in the assembly file.

  5. Q: Are there any restrictions of the return type of our API? Should it be the type of ResponseEntity?

    A: No, examples can refer to the implementation of integration-test in java-chassis.

  6. Q: Our API can not be accessed after microservices are up. It just returns 404 Not Found. The codes we use is as follows:

    @RestSchema(schemaId = "worker")
    public class WorkerController {
      @RequestMapping(value="/count", method=RequestMethod.GET)
      public int getWorkerNumbers() {

    A: Without specifying the base path, ServiceComb will use the classname as the base path. Hence, the path should be /WorkerController/count in the previous code. If you want to access path like /count, you need to specify base path as / as follows:

    @RequestMapping(value = "/")
    public class WorkerController {}
  7. Q: What's the default base path if I have not declared the value of RequestMapping annotation?

    A: Supposed the class name of your controller is HelloController, the base path is /HelloController.