title: “Apache ServiceComb Meetup - Shanghai 2019.06.24 Report (PDF Download)” lang: en ref: Apache-ServiceComb-Meetup-2019-Shanghai-KubeCon+CloudNative+OSS-Report permalink: /docs/Apache-ServiceComb-Meetup-2019-Shanghai-KubeCon+CloudNative+OSS-Report/ excerpt: “Apache ServiceComb Meetup” last_modified_at: 2019-07-02T12:26:28+08:00 author: Mabin tags: [Microservice,Meetup] redirect_from:

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On June 24, 2019, Beijing time, at the Shanghai World Expo Center in China, the Apache ServiceComb community held microservice Co-Located event at the KubeCon+CloudNativeCon+Open Source Summit conference which the most prestigious in the open source industry.

The event invited Apache Member, Apache Committer, Huawei Cloud ServiceStage Chief Engineer, Jingdong DBA Expert, Global Top10 IT Service Provider Development Manager and other senior practitioners to share experience,the topic of the speech includes Apache community development experience, enterprise PaaS responds to complex network topology cases, car brand digital marketing system microservice practices, high-performance service communication optimization techniques and so on. ServiceComb community has also released a series of innovative new projects to assist user solve pain points of microservice

In the process of enterprise transformation to digitalization and cloudization, microservice is the best choice. However, it is not a silver bullet. Enterprises will encounter many challenges in the process of microservice. ServiceComb will continue to closely focus on users and developers,solve the problem of microservice pain points.

Adhering to the concept of “provide a one-stop open source micro-service solution to assist enterprises, users and developers migrate applications on the cloud, archieving efficient O&M and management of microservice applications”,ServiceComb community initiates a convening order to mobilize aspiring people to join the community and do something interesting together.


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《ServiceComb opensource way》 PDF Download

Speaker: Willem Jiang, Apache Member, Apache ServiceComb VP

Summary: This speech summarizes the experience and gains of ServiceComb open source in the past two years. Hope that to assist guys understand open source, participate in open source, and create a better future.

《Digital marketing system microservice practice of car brands》 PDF Download

Speaker: Xiaowei Zhu, NTTDATA Shanghai Branch, Digital Marketing Development Manager

Summary: This speech shares the transformation of NTTDATA into microservice, and creates a digital marketing platform for car brands, assist enterprises to flexibly respond to market demands and supporting the practice of fast changing business scenarios of digital marketing.

《Microservice practice in enterprise PaaS》 PDF Download

Speaker: Shawn Tian, Huawei Cloud ServiceStage Chief Engineer

Summary: This speech shares Huawei Cloud PaaS platform using ServiceComb to solve complex network topology problems of distributed systems, assist users complete microservice transformation.

《ServiceComb innovation new projects release》 PDF Download

Speaker: Mabin, Apache ServiceComb member, Huawei Open Source Software Architect

Summary: This speech shares the pain points of users in the process of implementing microservices transformation, as well as ServiceComb's innovative projects, we look forward to working with more users and developers to think about how to solve the problems in microservices together.

《ShardingSphere combines ServiceComb distributed transaction solution》 PDF Download

Speaker: Juan Pan, Apache ShardingSphere member, Jingdong DBA Expert

Summary: This speech revolves around distributed transactions, explains that ShardingSphere(the first ASF distributed database middleware project) to join forces with ServiceComb(the first ASF microservice top-level project) to implement distributed transactions solution in microservice and distributed database scenarios.

《High-performance service communication practice》 PDF Download

Speaker: Bruce Liu, Apache Commiter

Summary: This speech combines the communication optimization practices of servicecomb-java-chassis to illustrate some common methods of performance optimization, and from a practical perspective, sharing performance optimization in terms of system reliability, resource planning, and other aspects that are not easily perceived by developers directly. .

《Huawei Cloud distributed transaction solution》 PDF Download

Speaker: Jon Wang, Huawei Cloud Architect

Summary: This topic explains how to implement distributed transactions when you build microservices based on Huawei Cloud through related scenarios. How to fail back? How to deal with timeouts? Explain in detail the principles behind it.

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