title: “ServiceComb Service-Center Downloads” lang: en ref: release permalink: /release/service-center-downloads/ excerpt: “ServiceComb Service-Center Downloads” last_modified_at: 2019-04-06T00:50:43-55:00


ReleaseSourceWindowsLinuxDarwinRecommended Version of Java-Chassis
Apache ServiceComb Service-Center 1.2.0 (LATEST)[src] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512]Java-Chassis 1.0.0 or above
Apache ServiceComb Service-Center 1.1.0[src] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512]Java-Chassis 1.0.0 or above
Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Service-Center 1.0.0[src] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512]Java-Chassis 1.0.0 or above
Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Service-Center 1.0.0-m2[src] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512]NAJava-Chassis 1.0.0-m2 or above
Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Service-Center 1.0.0-m1[src] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512][Binary] [asc] [sha512]NAJava-Chassis 1.0.0-m1 or above

Verifying the release

It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP or SHA signatures. The PGP signatures can be verified using GPG or PGP. Please download the KEYS{:target=“_blank”} as well as the asc signature files for relevant distribution. It is recommended to get these files from the main distribution directory{:target=“_blank”} and not from the mirrors.

gpg --import KEYS


pgpk -a KEYS


pgp -ka KEYS

To verify the binaries/sources you can download the relevant asc files for it from main distribution directory and follow the below guide.

gpg --verify apache-servicecomb-service-center-********.asc apache-servicecomb-service-center-*********


pgpv apache-servicecomb-service-center-********.asc


pgp apache-servicecomb-service-center-********.asc

Alternatively you can download the SHA signatures from main distribution repo{:target=“_blank”} and verify the downloads using sha512sum.