All Metrics

FamilyName: service_center


  1. http_request_total: The total number of received service requests.
  2. http_success_total: Total number of requests responding to status code 2xx or 3xx.
  3. http_request_durations_microseconds: The latency of http requests.
  4. http_query_per_seconds: TPS of http requests.


  1. notify_publish_total: The total number of instance events.
  2. notify_publish_durations_microseconds: The latency between the event generated in ServiceCenter and received by the client.
  3. notify_pending_total: The total number of pending instances events.
  4. notify_pending_durations_microseconds: The latency of pending instances events.
  5. notify_subscriber_total: The total number of subscriber, e.g. Websocket, gRPC.


  1. db_heartbeat_total: The total number of received instance heartbeats.
  2. db_heartbeat_durations_microseconds: The latency of received instance heartbeats.
  3. db_service_total: The total number of micro-services.
  4. db_domain_total: The total number of domains.
  5. db_instance_total: The total number of instances.
  6. db_schema_total: The total number of schemas.
  7. db_framework_total: The total number of SDK frameworks.


  1. db_backend_event_total: The total number of received backend events, e.g. etcd, Mongo.
  2. db_backend_event_durations_microseconds: The latency between received backend events and finish to build cache.
  3. db_dispatch_event_total: The total number of dispatch events to resource handlers.
  4. db_dispatch_event_durations_microseconds: The latency between received backend events and finish to dispatch.
  5. db_backend_operation_total: The total number of backend requests, e.g. etcd, mongo.
  6. db_backend_operation_durations_microseconds: The latency of backend requests.
  7. db_backend_total: The total number of backend instances.


  1. db_sc_total: The total number of ServiceCenter instances.
  2. process_resident_memory_bytes
  3. process_cpu_seconds_total
  4. process_cpu_usage
  5. go_threads
  6. go_goroutines