Integrate with Kubernetes

A simple demo to deploy ServiceCenter Cluster in Kubernetes. ServiceCenter supports two deploy modes: Platform Registration and Client Side Registration


  1. There is a Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Already install kubectl and helm client in your local machine.
  3. (Optional) Already deploy helm tiller on Kubernetes.

Platform Registration

The platform registration indicates that the ServiceCenter automatically accesses kubernetes cluster, and micro-service instances can discover service and endpoints information through the ServiceCenter.

Notes: After deployment, it only create ServiceCenter cluster in the default namespace.

Use Kubectl

You can use the command kubectl apply to deploy ServiceCenter cluster.

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/examples/infrastructures/k8s
kubectl apply -f <(helm template --name servicecomb --namespace default service-center/)

Use Helm Install

You can also use the helm commands to deploy ServiceCenter cluster if you already deploy helm tiller.

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/examples/infrastructures/k8s
helm install --name servicecomb --namespace default service-center/

Client Side Registration

The client-side registration representational ServiceCenter receives and processes registration requests from micro-service instances and stores instance information in etcd.

Notes: After deployment, it create ServiceCenter cluster and etcd cluster in the default namespace.

Use Kubectl

You can use the command kubectl apply to deploy ServiceCenter cluster.

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/examples/infrastructures/k8s
# install etcd cluster
kubectl apply -f <(helm template --name coreos --namespace default etcd/)
# install sc cluster
kubectl apply -f <(helm template --name servicecomb --namespace default \
    --set sc.discovery.type="etcd" \
    --set sc.discovery.clusters="http://coreos-etcd-client:2379" \
    --set sc.registry.enabled=true \
    --set sc.registry.type="etcd" \

Use Helm Install

You can also use the helm commands to deploy ServiceCenter cluster if you already deploy helm tiller.

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/examples/infrastructures/k8s
# install etcd cluster
helm install --name coreos --namespace default etcd/
# install sc cluster
helm install --name servicecomb --namespace default \
    --set sc.discovery.type="etcd" \
    --set sc.discovery.clusters="http://coreos-etcd-client:2379" \
    --set sc.registry.enabled=true \
    --set sc.registry.type="etcd" \

Confirm the deploy is ok

By default, the ServiceCenter frontend use NodePort service type to deploy in Kubernetes.

  1. You can execute the command kubectl get pod, to check all pods are running.
  2. You can also point your browser to http://${NODE}:30103 to view the dashboard of ServiceCenter.
  3. (Recommended) You can use scctl tool to list micro-service information.
# ./scctl get svc --addr http://servicecomb-service-center:30100 -owide
  DOMAIN  |                  NAME               |            APPID        | VERSIONS | ENV | FRAMEWORK  |        ENDPOINTS         | AGE  
  default | servicecomb-service-center-frontend | service-center-frontend | 0.0.1    |     | Kubernetes | | 2m   
  default | servicecomb-service-center          | service-center          | 0.0.1    |     | Kubernetes | | 2m

Clean up

If you use the kubectl to deploy, take deploy mode platform registration as example.

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/examples/infrastructures/k8s
kubectl delete -f <(helm template --name servicecomb --namespace default service-center/)

If you use helm tiller to deploy, take deploy mode platform registration as example.

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/k8s
helm delete --purge servicecomb

Helm Configuration Values

  • Service Center (sc)

    • deployment (bool: true) Deploy this component or not.
    • service
      • type (string: “ClusterIP”) The kubernetes service type.
      • externalPort (int16: 30100) The external access port. If the type is ClusterIP, it is set to the access port of the kubernetes service, and if the type is NodePort, it is set to the listening port of the node.
    • discovery
      • type (string: “aggregate”) The Service Center discovery type. This can also be set to etcd or servicecenter. aggregate let Service Center merge the discovery sources and applications can discover microservices from these through using Service Center HTTP API. etcd let Service Center start with client registration mode, all the microservices information comes from application self registration. servicecenter let Service Center manage multiple Service Center clusters at the same time. It can be applied to multiple datacenters scenarios.
      • aggregate (string: “k8s,etcd”) The discovery sources of aggregation, only enabled if type is set to aggregate. Different discovery sources are merged together by commas(,), indicating that the Service Center will aggregate service information through these sources. Now support these scenarios: k8s,etcd(for managing services from multiple platforms), k8s,servicecenter(for accessing distinct kubernetes clusters).
      • clusters (string: “sc-0=”) The cluster address managed by Service Center. If type is set to etcd, its format is http(s)://{etcd-1},http(s)://{etcd-2}. If type is set to other value, its format is {cluster name 1}=http(s)://{cluster-1-1},http(s)://{cluster-1-2},{cluster-2}=http(s)://{cluster-2-1}
    • registry
      • enabled (bool: false) Register Service Center itself or not.
      • type (string: “embedded_etcd”) The class of backend storage provider, this decide how Service Center store the microservices information. embedded_etcd let Service Center store data in local file system, it means distributed file system is need if you deploy high availability Service Center. etcd let Service Center store data in existing etcd cluster, then Service Center could be a stateless service. builin disabled the storage.
      • name (string: “sc-0”) The Service Center cluster name, only enabled if type is set to embedded_etcd or etcd.
      • addr (string: “”) The backend storage provider address. This value should be a part of sc.discovery.clusters value.
  • UI (frontend)

    • deployment (bool: true) Deploy this component of not.
    • service
      • type (string: “NodePort”) The kubernetes service type.
      • externalPort (int16: 30103) The external access port. If the type is ClusterIP, it is set to the access port of the kubernetes service, and if the type is NodePort, it is set to the listening port of the node.