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Write Metrics Data into Separate Text Files Sample


This sample show how direct get metrics data and write them into separate text files,then other monitor system can load this file in order to get run state of micro-service.

What Contains

metrics-write-file Module

This module contains the code how poll Monitors data from MonitorManager and convert data to a special format,then write into files.

We had designed that will use common Logging component for write file,and there are many logging implements like log4j,log4j2,logback etc...,so we create MetricsFileWriter interface for later autowire.

metrics-write-file-log4j2-springboot Module

This module contain log4j2 MetricsFileWriter implement if your project use it as Logging component.

metrics-write-file-log4j-springboot Module

This module contain log4j MetricsFileWriter implement if your project use it as Logging component.

How to use

Startup ServiceApplication in metrics-write-file-log4j2-springboot or metrics-write-file-log4j-springboot

  1. If start service by maven
mvn spring-boot:run

you can see metric files had generated in samples/metrics-write-file-sample/metrics-write-file-log4j(log4j2)-springboot/target/metric folder,open your browser and make a request to http://localhost:8080/f ,wait a moment then you can see invocation metric files also be generated.

  1. If start service by IDE

you can see metric files had generated in target/metric folder,open your browser and make a request to http://localhost:8080/f ,wait a moment then you can see invocation metric files also be generated.