tree: a86cba18169d3edff27e0238f9e8092f407e1bfd [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Use Apollo as Configuration Center

To use Apollo as configuration source in ServiceComb Java Chassis services:

  • Start Apollo service and create a project to associate with Chassis service, then generate a token

    How to use Apollo configuration center

  • Import config-apollo in pom:

  • Configurations for Apollo itself in microservice.yaml, for example:

        serverUri:	#Apollo portal server address
        serviceName: apollo-test		#service name use AppId in apollo
        env: DEV				#default value DEV
        clusters: default		#default value default
        namespace: application		#default value application
        token: 				#get token from Apollo web pages
  • Start Chassis service and update configurations in Apollo portal service.

    Need to start service center first

    Compile the source code at root directory of ServiceComb Java Chassis, which is servicecomb-java-chassis/, and use mvn exec to execute the main class MainServer.

    cd servicecomb-java-chassis/
    mvn clean install -Psamples -DskipTests			#only need to install at first time.
    cd samples/config-apollo-sample/
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="MainServer"
  • Verify configurations can be configured dynamically.

    Before publishing a new configuration items from apollo portal, MainServer will just print DynamicProperty: {name=timeout, current value=default}

    After timeout configuration is published with value 100, MainServer will print DynamicProperty: {name=timeout, current value=100}


Apollo Doc

Use Apollo In ServiceComb