tree: 1211fdfa151b6c68cb2230eae385762179a26a08 [path history] [tgz]
  1. codefirst-consumer/
  2. codefirst-provider/
  3. build.gradle
  4. pom.xml
  6. settings.gradle

Code First Sample

ServiceComb Java Chassis supports generating provider-service API implicitly. When the service is started, an API is automatically generated and registered to the service center.

When you develop a microservice in transparent RPC mode, the code does not show how you want to define an API, and all generated APIs are POST methods, The input parameters of all the methods will be packaged as a class and transferred as body parameters. Therefore, if you develop providers using implicit APIs, you are advised to choose Spring MVC or JAX-RS mode to obtain complete RESTful statements.

For detail information please refer to Doc

Sample Quick Start

     address:		#service center address
  • Start the codefirst-provider service

    • Start provider service via maven

      Compile the source code, and use mvn exec to execute the main class CodeFirstProviderMain.

      mvn clean install
      cd codefirst-sample/codefirst-provider/
      mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.servicecomb.samples.codefirst.provider.CodeFirstProviderMain"
    • Start provider service via gradle

      Compile the source code, and use mvn exec to execute the main class CodeFirstProviderMain.

      cd codefirst-sample/codefirst-provider/
    • Start provider service via IDE

      Import the project by InteliJ IDEA or Eclipse, then find main function CodeFirstProviderMain of provider service and RUN it like any other Java program.

  1. Start the codefirst-consumer service

    mvn clean install
    cd codefirst-sample/codefirst-consumer/
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.servicecomb.samples.codefirst.consumer.CodeFirstConsumerMain"
    • Start consumer service via maven

      Just like how to start codefirst-provider service. But the main class of codefirst-consumer service is CodeFirstConsumerMain.

      mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.servicecomb.samples.codefirst.consumer.CodeFirstConsumerMain"
    • Start consumer service via gradle

      gradle clean run
  2. How to verify On the producer side, the output should contain the following stuffs if the producer starts up successfully:

    1. ‘swagger: 2.0 info: version: 1.0.0 ...’ means the producer generated swagger contracts
    2. ‘rest listen success. address=’ means the rest endpoint is listening on port 8080

    On the consumer side, you can see the following outputs if the consumer can invoke the producer:

    1. ‘Pojo Hello Java Chassis’ means the consumer calls sayhi successfully
    2. ‘Jaxrs Hello Java Chassis’ means the consumer calls Jaxrs sayhi successfully
    3. ‘Spring mvc Hello Java Chassis’ means the consumer calls SpringMvc sayhi successfully
    4. ‘Pojo Hello person ServiceComb/Java Chassis’ means the consumer calls sayhello successfully
    5. ‘Jaxrs Hello person ServiceComb/Java Chassis’ means the consumer calls Jaxrs sayhello successfully
    6. ‘Spring mvc Hello person ServiceComb/Java Chassis’ means the consumer calls SpringMvc sayhello successfully