Saga API

Post transaction and compensation requests to Saga

POST /requests


  1. Define requests in order and recovery policy by JSON format as below,put them to body.
  "policy": "",
  "requests": [
      "id": "",
      "type": "",
      "serviceName": "",
      "parents": [

      "transaction": {
        "method": "",
        "path": "",
        "retries": "",
        "params": {

      "compensation": {
        "method": "",
        "path": "",
        "retries": "",
        "params": {


JSON parameters:

  • policy - support BackwardRecovery or ForwardRecovery.
  • requests - transactions array.
    • id - request id. It should be unique among this collection of requests.
    • type - support rest for now.
    • serviceName - user-defined service name.
    • parents - request ids. It means this request is only executed after all requests in the parents field are completed.
    • transaction - user-defined transaction that executed by the Saga.
      • method - user-defined, HTTP method.
      • path - user-defined, HTTP path.
      • retries - int, optional, default -1. The max retry times for transaction. If this parameter is less than or equal to 0, transaction will retry infinitely.
      • params - support form,json,body,query.
    • compensation - user-defined compensation that executed by the Saga.
      • method - user-defined, HTTP method.
      • path - user-defined, HTTP path.
      • retries - int, optional, default 3. The max retry times for compensation.
      • params - support form,json,body,query.
  1. Set content type to text/plain.

  2. Send them to Saga service.

Example request

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d @./request.json  http://<>/requests

Example response


Status codes

  • 200 – no error
  • 400 – bad parameter
  • 500 – server error

Get all the Saga events

GET /events


Get all the Saga events.

Example request

curl -XGET http://<>/events

Example response

    "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560": [
            "id": 1,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:40Z",
            "type": "SagaStartedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"policy\": \"BackwardRecovery\", \"requests\": [{\"id\": \"request-car\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"serviceName\": \"car-rental-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/rentals\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/rentals\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}}, {\"id\": \"request-hotel\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"serviceName\": \"hotel-reservation-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/reservations\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/reservations\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}}, {\"id\": \"request-flight\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"serviceName\": \"flight-booking-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/bookings\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/bookings\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}}, {\"id\": \"request-payment\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [\"request-car\", \"request-flight\", \"request-hotel\"], \"serviceName\": \"payment-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/payments\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/payments\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}}]}"
            "id": 2,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:40Z",
            "type": "TransactionStartedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"id\": \"request-flight\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"flight-booking-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/bookings\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/bookings\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}"
            "id": 3,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:40Z",
            "type": "TransactionStartedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"id\": \"request-car\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"car-rental-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/rentals\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/rentals\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}"
            "id": 4,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:40Z",
            "type": "TransactionStartedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"id\": \"request-hotel\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"hotel-reservation-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/reservations\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/reservations\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}"
            "id": 5,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:40Z",
            "type": "TransactionEndedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"request\": {\"id\": \"request-flight\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"flight-booking-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/bookings\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/bookings\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}, \"response\": {\"body\": \"{\\n  \\\"statusCode\\\": 200,\\n  \\\"content\\\": \\\"Flight booked with id 5b3c462a-b5d4-45b8-b5e4-8c9aa7d1c069 for customer mike\\\"\\n}\"}}"
            "id": 6,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:40Z",
            "type": "TransactionEndedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"request\": {\"id\": \"request-hotel\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"hotel-reservation-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/reservations\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/reservations\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}, \"response\": {\"body\": \"{\\n  \\\"statusCode\\\": 200,\\n  \\\"content\\\": \\\"Hotel reserved with id eb2366e1-411d-4352-84fb-6b5ab446ec81 for customer mike\\\"\\n}\"}}"
            "id": 7,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:41Z",
            "type": "TransactionEndedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"request\": {\"id\": \"request-car\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"car-rental-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/rentals\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/rentals\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}, \"response\": {\"body\": \"{\\n  \\\"statusCode\\\": 200,\\n  \\\"content\\\": \\\"Car rented with id 3c22da64-d4ac-4870-b9bb-54b603721925 for customer mike\\\"\\n}\"}}"
            "id": 8,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:41Z",
            "type": "TransactionStartedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"id\": \"request-payment\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [\"request-car\", \"request-flight\", \"request-hotel\"], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"payment-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/payments\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/payments\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}"
            "id": 9,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:41Z",
            "type": "TransactionEndedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{\"request\": {\"id\": \"request-payment\", \"type\": \"rest\", \"parents\": [\"request-car\", \"request-flight\", \"request-hotel\"], \"fallback\": {\"type\": \"NOP\"}, \"serviceName\": \"payment-service\", \"transaction\": {\"path\": \"/payments\", \"method\": \"post\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}}, \"compensation\": {\"path\": \"/payments\", \"method\": \"put\", \"params\": {\"form\": {\"customerId\": \"mike\"}}, \"retries\": 3}}, \"response\": {\"body\": \"{\\n  \\\"statusCode\\\": 200,\\n  \\\"content\\\": \\\"Payment made for customer mike and remaining balance is 200\\\"\\n}\"}}"
            "id": 10,
            "sagaId": "88658e73-eff5-4d31-887e-019201d6b560",
            "creationTime": "2017-09-15T01:15:41Z",
            "type": "SagaEndedEvent",
            "contentJson": "{}"

Status codes

  • 200 – no error

Invoke embedded Saga to execute SQL transaction

In order to Invoke embedded saga, it is necessary to add dependencies to your applications.

There are a maven example




  1. Implement SQLTransport interface in your own applications.

  2. Instance SagaExecutionComponent and inject it into your own applications.

  3. Define requests in order and recovery policy by JSON format as below in your applications.

  "policy": "",
  "requests": [
      "id": "",
      "type": "",
      "datasource": "",
      "parents": [

      "transaction": {
        "sql": "",
        "retries": "",
        "params": [
      "compensation": {
        "sql": "",
        "retries": "",
        "params": [

JSON parameters:

  • policy - support BackwardRecovery or ForwardRecovery.
  • requests - transactions array.
    • id - request id. It should be unique among this collection of requests.
    • type - support sql for now.
    • datasource - user-defined datasource name.
    • parents - request ids. It means this request is only executed after all requests in the parents field are completed.
    • transaction - user-defined transaction that executed by the Saga.
      • sql - user-defined, forward sql.
      • retries - int, optional, default -1. The max retry times for transaction. If this parameter is less than or equal to 0, transaction will retry infinitely.
      • params - parameters for forward sql.
    • compensation - user-defined compensation that executed by the Saga.
      • sql - user-defined, backward sql.
      • retries - int, optional, default 3. The max retry times for compensation.
      • params - parameters for backward sql.
  1. Invoke json) function to execute saga.

Example Implement SQLTransport interface

public class ExampleSQLTransport implements SQLTransport {
  public SagaResponse with(final String datasource, final String sql, final List<String> params) {
    try {
      // invoke your own code to execute sql.
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new TransportFailedException("execute SQL " + sql + " occur exception: ", e);
    return new JsonSuccessfulSagaResponse("{}");

Example Instance SagaExecutionComponent

  private final SQLTransport sqlTransport = new ExampleSQLTransport;

  private final TransportFactory<SQLTransport> transportFactory = new TransportFactory<SQLTransport>() {
    public SQLTransport getTransport() {
      return sqlTransport;

  private final SagaExecutionComponent coordinator = new SagaExecutionComponent(
      new EmbeddedPersistentStore(),
      new JacksonFromJsonFormat(transportFactory),
      new GraphBasedSagaFactory(500, eventStore, new ChildrenExtractor(), Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5))