| ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| ## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| ## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| ## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| ## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| ## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| ## |
| ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| ## |
| ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| ## limitations under the License. |
| ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| ## |
| #you need to add mysql drive to alpha pom.xml and saga-dubbo-demo pom.xml first |
| ## |
| version: '3.0' |
| |
| services: |
| |
| rabbit: |
| image: "rabbitmq:management" |
| hostname: rabbitmq |
| ports: |
| - "4369:4369" |
| - "5671:5671" |
| - "25672:25672" |
| - "5672:5672" |
| - "15672:15672" |
| environment: |
| RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: servicecomb-pack |
| volumes: |
| - ./rabbitmq.sh:/home/rabbitmq.sh |
| |
| |
| elasticsearch: |
| image: elasticsearch:6.6.2 |
| hostname: elasticsearch |
| container_name: elasticsearch |
| environment: |
| - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx256m -Xms256m" |
| - "discovery.type=single-node" |
| - "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled=false" |
| ulimits: |
| memlock: |
| soft: -1 |
| hard: -1 |
| ports: |
| - 9200:9200 |
| - 9300:9300 |
| redis: |
| image: redis:5.0.5-alpine |
| hostname: redis |
| container_name: redis |
| ports: |
| - 6379:6379 |
| |
| database: |
| image: "mysql/mysql-server:5.7" |
| hostname: mysql |
| environment: |
| - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password |
| - MYSQL_USER=saga |
| - MYSQL_PASSWORD=password |
| ports: |
| - "3306:3306" |
| |
| alpha: |
| image: "alpha-server:${TAG}" |
| hostname: alpha-server |
| links: |
| - "database:mysql.servicecomb.io" |
| - "rabbit:rabbitmq.servicecomb.io" |
| - "elasticsearch:elasticsearch.servicecomb.io" |
| - "redis:redis.servicecomb.io" |
| environment: |
| - JAVA_OPTS=-Dspring.profiles.active=mysql -Dspring.datasource.username=saga |
| -Dspring.datasource.password=password -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://mysql.servicecomb.io:3306/saga?useSSL=false |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.instance-index=0 |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.instance-count=1 |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.type=rabbit |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-producer.producer.partition-count=1 |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-producer.producer.partition-key-expression=headers['partitionKey'] |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-consumer.group=group-pack |
| -DDspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.environment.spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host=servicecomb-pack |
| -DDspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.environment.spring.rabbitmq.host=rabbitmq.servicecomb.io |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-consumer.content-type=application/json |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-consumer.destination=exchange-service-comb-pack |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-consumer.consumer.partitioned=true |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.environment.spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host=servicecomb-pack |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.environment.spring.rabbitmq.host=rabbitmq.servicecomb.io |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.environment.spring.rabbitmq.username=servicecomb-pack |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.binders.defaultRabbit.environment.spring.rabbitmq.password=H123213PWD |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-producer.destination=exchange-service-comb-pack |
| -Dspring.cloud.stream.bindings.service-comb-pack-producer.content-type=application/json |
| -Dspring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-name=docker-cluster |
| -Dspring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-nodes=elasticsearch.servicecomb.io:9300 |
| -DakkaConfig.akka-persistence-redis.redis.host=redis.servicecomb.io |
| -DakkaConfig.akka-persistence-redis.redis.port=6379 |
| -Dalpha.feature.akka.enabled=true |
| -Dalpha.feature.akka.channel.type=rabbit |
| -Dlogging.level.org.apache.servicecomb.pack.alpha.fsm.channel.rabbit.RabbitMessagePublisher=debug |
| - WAIT_FOR_SERVICES=mysql.servicecomb.io:3306:150 |
| depends_on: |
| - database |
| - rabbit |
| - elasticsearch |
| - redis |