Adding New Tag
Merge pull request #13 from thandayuthapani/master

Changes to cut tag in pipeline
tree: 50d3928edde21e4bbc1fcfca2ff4a04acb16cf61
  1. adminapi/
  2. bootstrap/
  3. cmd/
  4. common/
  5. conf/
  6. config/
  7. docs/
  8. examples/
  9. handler/
  10. health/
  11. integration/
  12. licenses/
  13. pkg/
  14. plugins/
  15. protocol/
  16. register/
  17. resolver/
  18. scripts/
  19. server/
  20. util/
  21. .gitignore
  22. .travis.yml
  23. Dockerfile
  24. go.mod
  25. Jenkinsfile
  27. mesher.go
  29. start.bat


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A service mesh implementation based on go chassis.

One big advantage of Mesher is it is able to work with go-chassis in same service mesh control plane like Istio. Without Istio they can work together with ServiceComb Service center and running on any infrastructure(docker, VM, baremetal). So if you choose go as your programing language, you can use go-chassis to gain better performance, and you can freely use other programing language which suit your service the most

Mesher support both linux and windows OS, that makes possible that .Net service can work with java, go, python service in one distributed system easily


  • go-chassis: Mesher has all of features of go chassis a go micro service framework
  • Admin APIļ¼šListen on isolated port, let user to query runtime information

Get started

Refer to mesher-examples

How to build and run

  1. Install ServiceComb service-center

  2. build and run, use go mod(go 1.11+, experimental but a recommended way)

cd mesher
GO111MODULE=on go mod download
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
go build mesher.go
