tree: 2b6461075c37fd1ea382c505a14822e0812a9233 [path history] [tgz]
  1. build/
  2. cmd/
  3. conf/
  4. docs/
  5. examples/
  6. integration/
  7. licenses/
  8. proxy/
  9. scripts/
  10. tests/
  11. .gitignore
  12. .travis.yml
  13. go.mod
  14. Jenkinsfile
  16. NOTICE
  18. start.bat


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A service mesh implementation based on go chassis.

Why use mesher

It leverages Istio or ServiceComb as control plane. if you use ServiceComb as control plane, you can run on any infrastructure(docker, kubernetes,VM, bare metal). Besides you can develop java and go services with java chassis or go chassis to gain better performance.

Mesher support both linux and windows OS, which means you can govern your services writen in .net with java, go etc.


  • go-chassis: Mesher has all of features of go chassis a go micro service framework
  • Admin APIļ¼šListen on isolated port, expose useful runtime information
  • support protocols: http, grpc

Get started

Refer to mesher-examples

How to build

Build from scratch

  1. Install ServiceComb service-center

  2. build and run, use go mod(go 1.11+, experimental but a recommended way)

export GOPROXY= #if you are facing network issue
cd mesher
GO111MODULE=on go mod download
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
cd cmd/mesher
go build mesher.go

####Build by script

cd build
export GOPATH=/path/to/gopath
export GOPROXY= #if you are facing network issue

it will build binary and docker image

  • tar file: release/mesher-latest-linux-amd64.tar
  • docker: servicecomb/mesher-sidecar:latest
