Cloud Provider

By default Mesher do not support any cloud provider. But there is plugin that helps mesher to do it.

Huawei Cloud

Mesher is able to use huawei cloud ServiceComb engine.

Access ServiceComb Engine API

import auth in cmd/mesher/mesher.go

import _ ""

it will sign all requests between mesher to ServiceComb Engine.

Use Config Center to manage configuration

Mesher use servicecomb-kie as config server,

_ ""

when you need to use ServiceComb Engine, you must replace this line. import config center in cmd/mesher/mesher.go.

_ ""

set the config center in chassis.yaml

      serverUri: https://xxx #endpoint of servicecomb engine
      refreshMode: 1 # 1: only pull config.
      refreshInterval: 30 # unit is second
      type: config_center