Quick start


In this case, you will launch one mesher sidecar proxy and one service developed based on go-chassis as provider and use curl as a dummy consumer to access this service

the network traffic: curl->mesher->service

1.Install ServiceComb service-center

2.Install go-chassis and run rest server

  1. Build and run, use go mod(go 1.11+, experimental but a recommended way)
cd mesher
GO111MODULE=on go mod download
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
go build mesher.go

4.verify, in this case curl command is the consumer, mesher is consumer's sidecar, and rest server is provider

export http_proxy=
curl http://RESTServer:8083/sayhello/peter


You don't need to set service registry in chassis.yaml, because by default registry address is, just same service center default listen address.

curl command read lower case http_proxy environment variable.

Run on different infrastructure

Mesher does not bind to any platform or infrastructures, plz refer to https://github.com/go-mesh/mesher-examples/tree/master/Infrastructure to know how to run mesher on different infra

Sidecar injector

Mesher supply a way to automatically inject mesher configurations in kubernetes

See detail https://github.com/go-chassis/sidecar-injector