Preparing for Development

Setting Go

follow the official website to install


cd examples/dev
go build

Setting up Config File

the most important thing is set the persistence storage kind, you can set it to “embedded_etcd”, so that you don't need to set up an etcd or mongodb

vim examples/dev/kie-conf.yaml
  # kind can be mongo, etcd, embedded_etcd
  kind: embedded_etcd
  # uri is the db endpoints list
  #   kind=mongo, then is the mongodb cluster's uri, e.g. mongodb://
  #   kind=etcd, then is the  remote etcd server's advertise-client-urls, e.g.
  #   kind=embedded_etcd, then is the embedded etcd server's advertise-peer-urls, e.g. default=
  #uri: mongodb://kie:123@

Setting up go chassis config file

kie is developed base on go chassis and uses most of its features, go chassis need config file to launch itself

cd examples/dev/conf

move conf folder to same level with “kieserver” binary, if you move binary to “examples/dev”, you don't need to move or change those files


Now you can launch your config server

./kieserver --config kie-conf.yaml