tree: 618b4f469582b1166cafc7e66834a8278bf22346 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Welcome to use ServiceComb Java Chassis

This project(module) is generate by org.apache.servicecomb.archetypes:business-service-spring-boot-starter-archetype, it use spring-boot-starter-provider to develop service producer.

More works can be done further:

  1. Modify “HelloImpl”, add your business service logic, or create some new producers to provide your services. More details can be found :
  2. Modify “microservice.yaml”, change APPLICATION_ID,, version, and service center address, endpoints publish address etc. More details can be found :

Package your service

Under project(module) root folder, run

mvn package

Then you can get executable jar in target/bin folder:

  • xxxxxx-{version}-exec.jar
java -jar xxxxxx-{version}-exec.jar

Notice: If you need to modify configurations in “microservice.yaml” like service center address but don't want repackage the executable jar, you can directly place a new “microservice.yaml” file under the same folder, then configurations will be overridden.

Spring Boot and ServiceComb

Why ServiceComb make integration with Spring Boot

Spring Boot can accelerate develop speed of Spring application, it provides these features:

  • Can create independent executable Spring application
  • Tomcat embedded, Jetty as Web server, and do not need package(war)
  • Provide many starters in order to simplify maven dependency

Using Spring Boot in microservice development, can greatly simplifying configure and deploy. ServiceComb is a microservice framework with full functionality of service management, focus on rapidly development of microservices, so integration with Spring Boot can obtain greater advantages.

How ServiceComb make integration with Spring Boot

Developers often use Spring Boot in the following way:

  • Java application : import spring-boot-starter then develop general application, does not contain WEB
  • Web application : import spring-boot-starter-web then develop web application, also include an embedded Tomcat or Jetty server, and use Spring Web MVC framework to develop REST endpoints

The first way, do not need any refactoring, directly startup ServiceComb via Spring Boot.

The second way is replace Spring MVC DispatcherServlet with ServiceComb RestServlet.