tree: beda196922379fd44e1c6c0759e4a050d2271fd1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Welcome to use ServiceComb Java Chassis

This project(module) is generate by org.apache.servicecomb.archetypes:business-service-pojo-archetype, it use pojo provider to develop service producer.

More works can be done further:

  1. Modify “HelloImpl”, add your business service logic, or create some new producers to provide your services. More details can be found :
  2. Modify “microservice.yaml”, change APPLICATION_ID,, version, and service center address, endpoints publish address etc. More details can be found :
  3. Modify setting value of “mainClass” in pom.xml for package.

Package your service

Under project(module) root folder, run

mvn package

Then you can get outputs in target folder:

  • lib : contains all dependencies jars
  • xxxxxx-{version}.jar
java -jar xxxxxx-{version}.jar

Notice: If you need to modify config setting in “microservice.yaml” like service center address but don't want repackage the executable jar, you can direct place a new “microservice.yaml” file in same folder, then settings will be overridden.