blob: 885e831b03af2723629f1fcd34427218e9895388 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.servicecomb.core;
public class TestConsumer {
// @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
// @Test
// public void testConsumerProviderManager() {
// ConsumerProviderManager oConsumerProviderManager = new ConsumerProviderManager();
// RegisterManager oRegisterManager = new RegisterManager("cse consumer provider manager");
// oRegisterManager.register("servicecomb.references.cse consumer provider manager",
// "cse consumer provider manager");
// boolean validAssert = true;
// try {
// oConsumerProviderManager.getReferenceConfig("consumer provider manager");
// } catch (Throwable ee) {
// Assert.assertNotEquals(null, ee);
// validAssert = false;
// }
// Assert.assertFalse(validAssert);
// }
// @Test
// public void testReferenceConfig() throws InterruptedException {
// Map<String, String> oMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// oMap.put("test1", "value1");
// RegisterManager<String, String> oManager = new RegisterManager<>("test");
// oManager.register("test1", "value1");
// SyncResponseExecutor oExecutor = new SyncResponseExecutor();
// oExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// oExecutor.setResponse(Response.succResp("success"));
// }
// });
// Assert.assertEquals(true, oExecutor.waitResponse().isSuccessed());
// }
// @Test
// public void testInvocation() {
// OperationMeta oOperationMeta = Mockito.mock(OperationMeta.class);
// SchemaMeta oSchemaMeta = Mockito.mock(SchemaMeta.class);
// AsyncResponse asyncResp = Mockito.mock(AsyncResponse.class);
// List<Handler> oHandlerList = new ArrayList<>();
// Mockito.when(oSchemaMeta.getProviderHandlerChain()).thenReturn(oHandlerList);
// Mockito.when(oSchemaMeta.getMicroserviceName()).thenReturn("TMK");
// Mockito.when(oOperationMeta.getSchemaMeta()).thenReturn(oSchemaMeta);
// Endpoint oEndpoint = Mockito.mock(Endpoint.class);
// Transport oTransport = Mockito.mock(Transport.class);
// Mockito.when(oEndpoint.getTransport()).thenReturn(oTransport);
// Mockito.when(oOperationMeta.getOperationId()).thenReturn("TMK");
// Invocation oInvocation = new Invocation(oEndpoint, oOperationMeta, null);
// Assert.assertNotNull(oInvocation.getTransport());
// Assert.assertNotNull(oInvocation.getInvocationType());
// oInvocation.setResponseExecutor(Mockito.mock(Executor.class));
// Assert.assertNotNull(oInvocation.getResponseExecutor());
// Assert.assertNotNull(oInvocation.getSchemaMeta());
// Assert.assertNotNull(oInvocation.getOperationMeta());
// Assert.assertNull(oInvocation.getArgs());
// Assert.assertNotNull(oInvocation.getEndpoint());
// oInvocation.setEndpoint(null);
// Map<String, String> map = oInvocation.getContext();
// Assert.assertNotNull(map);
// String str = oInvocation.getSchemaId();
// Assert.assertEquals(null, str);
// String str1 = oInvocation.getMicroserviceName();
// Assert.assertEquals("TMK", str1);
// Map<String, Object> mapp = oInvocation.getHandlerContext();
// Assert.assertNotNull(mapp);
// Assert.assertEquals(true, oInvocation.getHandlerIndex() >= 0);
// oInvocation.setHandlerIndex(8);
// Assert.assertEquals("TMK", oInvocation.getOperationName());
// Assert.assertEquals("TMK", oInvocation.getMicroserviceName());
// boolean validAssert;
// try {
// validAssert = true;
// } catch (Exception e) {
// validAssert = false;
// }
// Assert.assertFalse(validAssert);
// }