Previous Saga's Documentation

Major Architecture of Saga

  • saga-core(transaction and compensation handling logic)
  • saga-format(data serialization and deserialization)
  • saga-transports(communication protocol implementation such as rest or rpc in the future)
  • saga-discovery(service discovery)
  • saga-spring(restful service framework)



You will need:

  1. Oracle JDK 1.8+
  2. Maven 3.x
  3. Docker
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. Service Center(optional)
  6. Docker compose(optional)
  7. Docker machine(optional)


Download the source code.

git clone

Enter the Saga root directory,build Saga project by maven command and generate a docker image named saga-spring in local.

mvn package -DskipTests -Pdocker

Run Services

A docker-compose.yaml file is provided to start Saga services and its dependencies(Service center and Mysql) as docker containers. User also can configure specified Service center or Mysql in docker-compose.yaml.

Enter the Saga root directory, run all service images using command,

docker-compose up

Reference API

See Saga API for details.


See Saga demo for details.