update java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/with-contract.md
diff --git a/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/with-contract.md b/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/with-contract.md
index 3cf5eaa..8e72c10 100644
--- a/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/with-contract.md
+++ b/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/with-contract.md
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-# 使用服务契约
+# Service Using API Definitions  
+## Scenario
-## 场景描述
+When a consumer calls a service from a provider, you need to register a service API definition. You can obtain service API definition from your provider for your consumer in two ways. One is to obtain the service API definition from the provider off-line and manually configure the API definition to the project. Another is to automatically download the service API definition from the service center.
+## Configuration
-## 配置说明
+> You can obtain service API definition in either way, regardless of the development mode of service consumers.
-> 说明:服务契约的获取方式与服务消费者的开发方式是无关的,用户可以任意组合使用。
-### 配置依赖服务
+In the microservice.yaml file, configure a provider for the consumer. The following is an example of the configuration:
@@ -20,33 +17,31 @@
       version-rule: 0.0.1
-> version-rule是版本匹配规则,有四种格式:
+> There are four kind of rule for version-rule:
-> * 精确版本匹配:例如`version-rule: 0.0.1`,表示只匹配版本号为0.0.1的服务提供者
-> * 后续版本匹配:例如`version-rule: 1.0.0+`,表示匹配版本号大于或等于1.0.0的服务提供者
-> * 最新版本:`version-rule: latest`,表示匹配最新版本的服务提供者
-> * 版本范围:例如`1.0.0-2.0.2`,表示匹配版本号在1.0.0至2.0.2之间的服务提供者,包含1.0.0和2.0.2
+> * Accurate Matching Rule: such as `version-rule: 0.0.1`, it indicates that only those  providers whose version is 0.0.1 can be matched.
+> * Later Matching Rule: such as `version-rule: 1.0.0+`, it indicates that those providers whose version is later that 1.0.0 can be matched.
+> * Latest Matching Rule: such as `version-rule: latest`, it indicates that only  those providers whose version number is latest can be matched.
+> * Range Matching Rule: such as`1.0.0-2.0.2`,  it indicates that those provider whose version number is between 1.0.0 and 2.0.2 can be matched, including 1.0.0 and 2.0.2
-> 此配置项默认为`latest`
+> The default version rule of version-rule is `latest`.
-### 手工配置服务契约
+### Manually Configuring Service API Definition
+After you obtained the API definition of your consumer from the provider, configure it in a specified directory of the consumer project. The directory is the one mentioned in the configuration description [Service Contract](/users/service-contract/).
+Each directory under the microservices directory indecates a microservice, and each .yaml file under the jaxrs directory represents a schema API definition. The file name is the schema ID. The service API definitions whose application IDs need to be specified are stored under the applications directory for cross-application calls. The directory structure is as follows:
   - microservices
-      - serviceName            # 微服务名
-          - schemaId.yaml      # schema接口的契约
+      - serviceName            # Microservice name
+          - schemaId.yaml      # Schema API definition
   - applications
-      - appId                  # 应用ID
-          - serviceName        # 微服务名
-              - schemaId.yaml  # schema接口的契约
+      - appId                  # Application ID
+          - serviceName        # Microservice name
+              - schemaId.yaml  # Schema API definition
-### 从服务中心自动下载契约
+### Automatically Downloading API Definition from Service Center
+If a consumer does not explicitly store the API definition in the project directory, when the application is started, the ServiceComb framework automatically downloads the information about the API definition from the service center based on the provider's microservices name and version configured in microservice.yaml.