Adjust the code to Spark 2.2 API
7 files changed
tree: adc4c43751bed3cf3e5221db12f6164bcc8bc952
  1. .github/
  2. core/
  3. docs/
  4. sql/
  5. viz/
  6. zeppelin/
  7. .gitignore
  8. .travis.yml
  9. _config.yml
  10. GeoSpark_logo.png
  12. LICENSE-before-1.2.0
  13. mkdocs.yml
  14. pom.xml

GeoSpark Logo

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GeoSpark is a cluster computing system for processing large-scale spatial data. GeoSpark extends Apache Spark / SparkSQL with a set of out-of-the-box Spatial Resilient Distributed Datasets (SRDDs)/ SpatialSQL that efficiently load, process, and analyze large-scale spatial data across machines.

GeoSpark contains several modules:

NameAPISpark compatibilityDependency
GeoSpark-coreRDDSpark 2.X/1.XSpark-core
GeoSpark-SQLSQL/DataFrameSparkSQL 2.1 and laterSpark-core, Spark-SQL, GeoSpark-core
GeoSpark-VizRDD, SQL/DataFrameRDD - Spark 2.X/1.X, SQL - Spark 2.1 and laterSpark-core, Spark-SQL, GeoSpark-core, GeoSpark-SQL
GeoSpark-ZeppelinApache ZeppelinSpark 2.1+, Zeppelin 0.8.1+Spark-core, Spark-SQL, GeoSpark-core, GeoSpark-SQL, GeoSpark-Viz
  • Core: GeoSpark SpatialRDDs and Query Operators.
  • SQL: SQL interfaces for GeoSpark core.
  • Viz: Visualization extension of GeoSpark Spatial RDD and DataFrame.
  • GeoSpark-Zeppelin: GeoSpark visualization plugin for Apache Zeppelin

Please visit GeoSpark website for details and documentations.


Social impact

GeoSpark development team has published four papers about GeoSpark. Please read Publications.

GeoSpark received an evaluation from PVLDB 2018 paper “How Good Are Modern Spatial Analytics Systems?” Varun Pandey, Andreas Kipf, Thomas Neumann, Alfons Kemper (Technical University of Munich), quoted as follows:

GeoSpark comes close to a complete spatial analytics system. It also exhibits the best performance in most cases.