blob: a46c1cc96348f22d34fd7cf47c98d08afe021de5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 Chandan B N. All rights reserved.
// Generate the standalone static Vulnogram client side only page
// usage:
// $ node scripts/standalone.js
// to load a customized overide schema in 'custom/cve/conf.js':
// $ node scripts/standalone.js custom
const fs = require('fs');
const pug = require('pug');
const conf = require('../config/conf-standalone');
const optSet = require('../models/set');
// Compile the template to a function string
var editTemplate = fs.existsSync('custom/cve/edit.pug') ? 'custom/cve/edit.pug' : 'default/cve/edit.pug';
var renderTemplate = fs.existsSync('custom/cve/render.pug') ? 'custom/cve/render.pug' : 'default/cve/render.pug';
var cveEdit = pug.compileFile(editTemplate, {compileDebug: false});
confOpts = {
cve: optSet('cve', ['default'].concat(process.argv.slice(2)))
confOpts.cve.conf.uri = '.';
var cveProps =;
delete cveProps.CNA_private; = => !['DRAFT','REVIEW', 'READY'].includes(x));
fs.writeFileSync("standalone/index.html", cveEdit({
title: 'Vulnogram CVE Editor',
idpath: 'CVE_data_meta.ID',
min: true,
doc: null,
conf: conf,
confOpts: confOpts,
opts: confOpts.cve,
schemaName: 'cve',
allowAjax: false,
var pugRender = pug.compileFileClient(renderTemplate, {
basedir: 'views',
name: 'pugRender',
compileDebug: false,
inlineRuntimeFunctions: true,
for (jsDir of ['standalone', 'standalone/js', 'standalone/js/cve']) {
if (!fs.existsSync(jsDir)) {
fs.writeFileSync("standalone/js/cve/render.js", pugRender);