Fix standalone that isn't at root level
1 file changed
tree: 306d6db4354bdc6ad27dc7f6f0803e1fcc84ad7d
  1. config/
  2. default/
  3. lib/
  4. models/
  5. public/
  6. routes/
  7. scripts/
  9. .gitignore
  10. app.js
  11. LICENSE.txt
  12. Makefile
  13. package.json


Making the world safer one CVE ID at a time, since 2017.


Vulnogram is a tool for creating and editing CVE information in CVE JSON format, and for generating advisories.

The name Vulnogram is inspired from Greek origin suffix ‘-gram’ which is used for denoting something written or recorded especially in a certain way. Vulnerability related information when recorded in a standard format can help in aggregation, curation, dissemination, analysis and remediation. This enables automation and efficiency in response activities.

Vulnogram project aims to make it easier for vendors and security researchers to accurately record vulnerability information for inclusion in the CVE List.

Getting started

Step 1. Install required Node.js modules.

$ cd vulnogram
$ npm install
... this should install required dependencies ...

Step 2. Setup monogodb to be used for persistent storage of CVE JSON and users.


Important: Ensure mongodb authentication is enabled. It is recommended to run mongodb bound to loopback/localhost and not expose it to network.

Step 3. Edit the config parameters in conf.js to suite your requirements.

See config/conf-default.js comments for hints

Step 4 (Optional). Copy the “default” directory as “custom” and modify relevant pug templates, schemas or routes. Files or fields from “custom” override “default”.

Step 5. If any pug templates were modified, regenerate client side javascript.

$ node scripts/pug2js.js

Step 6. Configure a user on the CLI for logging in

$ node useradd.js tester Tester 1
Enter Password: ********************************************
Enter Password again: ********************************************
Success New user is now registered and can log in: tester

Step 7. Start the node application.

$ npm start

> Vulnogram@0.0.6 start /home/vulnogram/
> forever start --id 'vulnogram' --spinSleepTime 5000 --minUptime 2000 app.js

info:    Forever processing file: app.js
info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command                      script forever pid   id        logfile                      uptime     
data:    [0] v3wE /usr/bin/node app.js 11208   11210 vulnogram /home/vulnogram/.forever/v3wE.log 0:0:0:0.23 

Finish: Web application should be now accessible at:

http://localhost:3555/ or https://localhost:3555/ depending on configuration.

Create the minimal standalone, stateless web page and client side scripts.

$ make min

This creates standalone /index.html with minimized javascript and stylesheets can be hosted independelty on websites serving static files.


This project uses or depends on software from

Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Chandan B N.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-3.0