title: Apache Project Security Information description: Security information for individual Apache projects layout: single

Here is a list of pages ASF projects maintain to provide information on known security vulnerabilities. Each entry also has the security contact for reporting new vulnerabilities related to that project. Note that not all project security teams have a dedicated address for reporting new vulnerabilities.

To report a vulnerability in an Apache project that is not listed below, contact the Apache Security Team.

Project security pageContact
Apache AccumuloApache Security Team
Apache ActiveMQApache Security TeamAdvisories
Apache AGEApache Security Team
Apache AiravataApache Security Team
Apache AirflowApache Security Team
Apache AmbariApache Ambari Security Team
Apache AntApache Security Team
Apache APISIXApache Security Team
Apache Portable Runtime (APR)Apache Security Team
Apache ArchivaApache Security TeamAdvisories
Apache AsterixDBApache Security Team
Apache AtlasApache Security Team
Apache AvroApache Security Team
Apache AxisApache Security Team
Apache BookKeeperApache Security Team
Apache bRPCApache Security Team
Apache CalciteApache Security Team
Apache CamelApache Security TeamAdvisories
Apache CassandraApache Security Team
Apache CayenneApache Security Team
Apache CloudStackApache Security Team
Apache CommonsApache Commons Security TeamAdvisories
Apache CouchDBApache CouchDB Security Team
Apache CXFApache Security Team
Apache DBApache Security Team
Apache DirectoryApache Security Team
Apache DolphinSchedulerApache Security Team
Apache DorisApache Security Team
Apache DruidApache Security Team
Apache DubboApache Dubbo Security Team
Apache EventMeshApache Security Team
Apache FelixApache Security Team
Apache FineractApache Fineract Security Team
Apache FlinkApache Security TeamAdvisories
Apache FlumeApache Security Team
Apache GeodeApache Security Team
Apache GeronimoApache Geronimo Security Team
Apache PulsarApache Security Team
Apache GobblinApache Security Team
Apache GuacamoleApache Guacamole Security TeamAdvisories
Apache HadoopApache Hadoop Security TeamAdvisories
Apache HelixApache Security Team
Apache HiveApache Hive Security Team
Apache HTTP ServerApache HTTP Server Security TeamAdvisories
Apache IgniteApache Ignite Security Team
Apache ImpalaApache Security Team
Apache InLongApache Security Team
Apache IoTDBApache Security Team
Apache JackrabbitApache Jackrabbit Security Team
Apache JamesApache Security Team
Apache JenaApache Security Team
Apache JMeterApache Security Team
Apache JohnzonApache Security Team
Apache JSPWikiApache Security TeamAdvisories
Apache KafkaApache Kafka Security TeamAdvisories
Apache KarafApache Security Team
Apache KnoxApache Security Team
Apache KylinApache Security Team
Apache LibcloudApache Libcloud Security Team
Apache LinkisApache Security Team
Apache Livy (Incubating)Apache Security Team
Apache LoggingApache Logging Security Team
Apache LuceneApache Lucene Security Team
Apache ManifoldCFApache Security Team
Apache MavenApache Security Team
Apache MINAApache Security Team
Apache MyFacesApache Security Team
Apache NiFiApache NiFi Security TeamAdvisories
Apache NutchApache Security Team
Apache NuttXApache Security Team
Apache OFBizApache OFBiz Security Team
Apache OozieApache Security Team
Apache OpenMeetingsApache OpenMeetings Security Team
Apache OpenOfficeApache OpenOffice Security TeamAdvisories
Apache ORCApache ORC Security Team
Apache OzoneApache Security Team
Apache ParquetApache Security Team
Apache PDFBoxApache Security Team
Apache PinotApache Security Team
Apache PLC4XApache Security Team
Apache POIApache Security Team
Apache PortalsApache Security Team
Apache PulsarApache Security Team
Apache RangerApache Security Team
Apache RocketMQApache Security Team
Apache RollerApache Security Team
Apache SantuarioApache Security Team
Apache SeaTunnelApache Security Team
Apache ServiceCombApache Security Team
Apache ShardingSphereApache Security Team
Apache ShenYuApache Security Team
Apache ShiroApache Shiro Security Team
Apache SINGAApache SINGA Security Team
Apache SkyWalkingApache Security Team
Apache SlingApache Sling Security Team
Apache SolrApache Solr Security TeamAdvisories
Apache SpamAssassinApache SpamAssassin Security Team
Apache SparkApache Spark Security TeamAdvisories
Apache StormApache Security Team
Apache StreamPark (Incubating)Apache Security Team
Apache StreamPipesApache Security Team
Apache StrutsApache Struts Security TeamAdvisories
Apache SubversionApache Subversion Security TeamAdvisories
Apache SupersetApache Security TeamAdvisories
Apache SystemDSApache Security Team
Apache TapestryApache Security Team
Apache TikaApache Security Team
Apache TomcatApache Tomcat Security TeamAdvisories
Apache Traffic ControlApache Traffic Control Security Team
Apache Traffic ServerApache Traffic Server Security Team
Apache UIMAApache Security Team
Apache UnomiApache Security Team
Apache VelocityApache Security Team
Apache WicketApache Security Team
Apache Web ServicesApache Security Team
Apache XalanApache Security Team
Apache XercesApache Security Team
Apache XML GraphicsApache Security Team
Apache ZeppelinApache Zeppelin Security Team
Apache ZooKeeperApache ZooKeeper Security Team