

Building Tool: SBT

Coding Style Check

sbt scalastyle

build and package

Build thin jar

# cd to project root dir

sbt package

Build fat jar(with all dependencies) for Spark Application

# Linux, MACOS, Windows

sbt "-DprovidedDeps=true" clean assembly

Package Distribution

sbt -DprovidedDeps=true  universal:packageBin

# you can find distribution here:

If you want to check what files/directories will be included distribution package

sbt -DprovidedDeps=true stage
ls ./target/universal/stage/

check sbt native packager universal plugin for more details.


  1. Intellij Idea doesn't recognize antlr4 generated source ?

File -> Project Structure -> Modules, in Sources Tab, mark directory target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/antlr4/ as Sources(blue icon)