
Sink plugin: Kafka [Spark]


Write Rows to a Kafka topic.


nametyperequireddefault valueengine
producer.bootstrap.serversstringyes-all streaming
topicstringyes-all streaming
producer.*stringno-all streaming

producer.bootstrap.servers [string]

Kafka Brokers List

topic [string]

Kafka Topic

producer [string]

In addition to the above parameters that must be specified for the producer client, you can also specify multiple kafka's producer parameters described in producerconfigs

The way to specify parameters is to use the prefix “producer” before the parameter. For example, request.timeout.ms is specified as: producer.request.timeout.ms = 60000.If you do not specify these parameters, it will be set the default values according to Kafka documentation


kafka {
    topic = "seatunnel"
    producer.bootstrap.servers = "localhost:9092"