blob: d20b1534132743fd8c027b4096414e1aecebb74d [file] [log] [blame]
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
# Console
> Console sink connector
## Description
Output data to standard terminal or Flink taskManager, which is often used for debugging and easy to observe the data.
Engine Supported and plugin name
* [x] Spark: Console
* [x] Flink: Console
## Options
{label: 'Spark', value: 'spark'},
{label: 'Flink', value: 'flink'},
<TabItem value="spark">
| name | type | required | default value |
| -------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------- |
| limit | number | no | 100 |
| serializer | string | no | plain |
| common-options | string | no | - |
### limit [number]
Limit the number of `rows` to be output, the legal range is `[-1, 2147483647]` , `-1` means that the output is up to `2147483647` rows
### serializer [string]
The format of serialization when outputting. Available serializers include: `json` , `plain`
### common options [string]
Sink plugin common parameters, please refer to [Sink Plugin]( for details
<TabItem value="flink">
## Options
| name | type | required | default value |
|----------------|--------| -------- |---------------|
| limit | int | no | INT_MAX |
| common-options | string | no | - |
### limit [int]
limit console result lines
### common options [string]
Sink plugin common parameters, please refer to [Sink Plugin]( for details
## Examples
{label: 'Spark', value: 'spark'},
{label: 'Flink', value: 'flink'},
<TabItem value="spark">
console {
limit = 10,
serializer = "json"
> Output 10 rows of data in Json format
<TabItem value="flink">
## Note
Flink's console output is in flink's WebUI