blob: e7406d83d5944df28cf0d8e216534ecff3beb5ea [file] [log] [blame]
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
# Command usage
## Command Entrypoint
{label: 'Spark', value: 'spark'},
{label: 'Flink', value: 'flink'},
<TabItem value="spark">
<TabItem value="flink">
## Options
{label: 'Spark', value: 'spark'},
{label: 'Flink', value: 'flink'},
<TabItem value="spark">
bin/ \
-c config-path \
-m master \
-e deploy-mode \
-i city=beijing
- Use `-m` or `--master` to specify the cluster manager
- Use `-e` or `--deploy-mode` to specify the deployment mode
<TabItem value="flink">
bin/ \
-c config-path \
-i key=value \
-r run-application \
[other params]
- Use `-r` or `--run-mode` to specify the flink job run mode, you can use `run-application` or `run` (default value)
- Use `-c` or `--config` to specify the path of the configuration file
- Use `-i` or `--variable` to specify the variables in the configuration file, you can configure multiple
## Example
{label: 'Spark', value: 'spark'},
{label: 'Flink', value: 'flink'},
<TabItem value="spark">
# Yarn client mode
./bin/ \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--config ./config/application.conf
# Yarn cluster mode
./bin/ \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--config ./config/application.conf
<TabItem value="flink">
env {
execution.parallelism = 1
source {
FakeSourceStream {
result_table_name = "fake"
field_name = "name,age"
transform {
sql {
sql = "select name,age from fake where name='"${my_name}"'"
sink {
ConsoleSink {}
bin/ \
-c config-path \
-i my_name=kid-xiong
This designation will replace `"${my_name}"` in the configuration file with `kid-xiong`
> All the configurations in the `env` section will be applied to Flink dynamic parameters with the format of `-D`, such as `-Dexecution.parallelism=1` .
> For the rest of the parameters, refer to the original flink parameters. Check the flink parameter method: `bin/flink run -h` . The parameters can be added as needed. For example, `-m yarn-cluster` is specified as `on yarn` mode.
bin/flink run -h
For example:
* `-p 2` specifies that the job parallelism is `2`
bin/ \
-p 2 \
-c config-path
* Configurable parameters of `flink yarn-cluster`
For example: `-m yarn-cluster -ynm seatunnel` specifies that the job is running on `yarn`, and the name of `yarn WebUI` is `seatunnel`
bin/ \
-m yarn-cluster \
-ynm seatunnel \
-c config-path