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* XSECCryptoSymmetricKey := Bulk encryption algorithms should all be
* implemented via this interface
* Author(s): Berin Lautenbach
* $Id$
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/dsig/DSIGConstants.hpp>
#include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoKey.hpp>
* \ingroup crypto
* \brief Base interface definition for symmetric key material.
* All symmetric algorithms are implemented via this interface.
* Unlike the asymmetric key definitions, this is not further
* extended for particular algorithms. Rather it defines
* encrypt/decrypt functions that are implemented within particular
* providers for a particular algorithm.
class XSEC_EXPORT XSECCryptoSymmetricKey : public XSECCryptoKey {
public :
* \brief Symmetric Key types understood by the library
* This type defines the list of symmetric key types that the library
* understands.
enum SymmetricKeyType {
KEY_3DES_192, /** 192 bit (3-Key) 3DES */
KEY_AES_128, /** 128 bit AES */
KEY_AES_192, /** 192 bit AES */
KEY_AES_256 /** 256 bit AES */
enum SymmetricKeyMode {
MODE_NONE, /** An error condition */
MODE_ECB, /** Electronic Code Book */
MODE_CBC, /** Cipher Block Chaining */
MODE_GCM /** Galois-Counter Mode */
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
* \brief Constructor
XSECCryptoSymmetricKey() {};
* \brief Destructor
* Implementations must ensure that the held key is properly destroyed
* (overwritten) when key objects are deleted.
virtual ~XSECCryptoSymmetricKey() {};
/** @name Basic CryptoKey Interface methods */
* \brief Returns the type of this key.
virtual KeyType getKeyType() const {return KEY_SYMMETRIC;}
* \brief Returns a string that identifies the crypto owner of this library.
virtual const XMLCh * getProviderName() const = 0;
* \brief Clone the key
* All keys need to be able to copy themselves and return
* a pointer to the copy. This allows the library to
* duplicate keys.
virtual XSECCryptoKey * clone() const = 0;
/** @name Symmetric key interface methods */
* \brief What type of symmetric key is this?
* There are a number of different types of symmetric key.
* This method allows callers to determine the type of this
* particular key
virtual SymmetricKeyType getSymmetricKeyType(void) const = 0;
* \brief Set the key from the provided bytes
* Symmetric keys can all be loaded from a buffer containing a series
* of bytes.
* @param key The buffer containing the key bytes
* @param keyLen The number of key bytes in the buffer
virtual void setKey(const unsigned char * key, unsigned int keyLen) = 0;
* \brief Initialise an decryption process
* Setup the key to get ready for a decryption session.
* Callers can pass in an IV. If one is not provided,
* but the algorithm requires one (e.g. 3DES_CBC), then
* implementations should assume that the start of the
* cipher text stream will in fact be the IV.
* Callers may need to pass a tag to fully initialise an
* authenticated encryption algorithm. If a tag is not
* supplied, the caller can obtain the length of the required
* tag instead, and call this method again once the tag is
* obtained.
* @param doPad By default, we perform padding for last block
* @param mode mode selection, default is CBC
* @param iv Initialisation Vector to be used. NULL if one is
* not required, or if IV will be set from data stream
* @param tag Authentication tag to be used for AEAD ciphers
* @param taglen length of Authentication Tag
* @returns true if the initialisation succeeded.
virtual bool decryptInit(bool doPad = true,
SymmetricKeyMode mode = MODE_CBC,
const unsigned char* iv = NULL,
const unsigned char* tag = NULL,
unsigned int taglen = 0) = 0;
* \brief Continue a decrypt operation using this key.
* Decryption must have been set up using a decryptInit
* call. Takes the inBuf and continues a decryption operation,
* writing the output to outBuf.
* This function does not have to guarantee that all input
* will be decrypted. In cases where the input is not a length
* of the block size, the implementation will need to hold back
* cipher-text to be handles during the next operation.
* @param inBuf Octets to be decrypted
* @param plainBuf Buffer to place output in
* @param inLength Number of bytes to decrypt
* @param maxOutLength Maximum number of bytes to place in output
* buffer
* @returns Bytes placed in output Buffer
virtual unsigned int decrypt(const unsigned char * inBuf,
unsigned char * plainBuf,
unsigned int inLength,
unsigned int maxOutLength) = 0;
* \brief Finish a decryption operation
* Complete a decryption process. No cipher text is passed in,
* as this should simply be removing any remaining text from
* the plain storage buffer.
* May throw an exception if there is some stored cipher text
* that is not the length of the block size for block algorithms.
* @param plainBuf Buffer to place any remaining plain text in
* @param maxOutLength Maximum number of bytes to pace in output
* @returns Bytes placed in output buffer
virtual unsigned int decryptFinish(unsigned char * plainBuf,
unsigned int maxOutLength) = 0;
* \brief Initialise an encryption process
* Setup the key to get ready for a decryption session.
* Callers can pass in an IV. If one is not provided,
* but the algorithm requires one (e.g. 3DES_CBC), then
* implementations are required to generate one.
* @param doPad By default, we perform padding for last block
* @param mode What mode to handle blocks. default is CBC
* @param iv Initialisation Vector to be used. NULL if one is
* not required, or if IV is to be generated
* @returns true if the initialisation succeeded.
virtual bool encryptInit(bool doPad = true,
SymmetricKeyMode mode = MODE_CBC,
const unsigned char * iv = NULL) = 0;
* \brief Continue an encryption operation using this key.
* Encryption must have been set up using an encryptInit
* call. Takes the inBuf and continues a encryption operation,
* writing the output to outBuf.
* This function does not have to guarantee that all input
* will be encrypted. In cases where the input is not a length
* of the block size, the implementation will need to hold back
* plain-text to be handled during the next operation.
* @param inBuf Octets to be encrypted
* @param cipherBuf Buffer to place output in
* @param inLength Number of bytes to encrypt
* @param maxOutLength Maximum number of bytes to place in output
* buffer
* @returns Bytes placed in output Buffer
virtual unsigned int encrypt(const unsigned char * inBuf,
unsigned char * cipherBuf,
unsigned int inLength,
unsigned int maxOutLength) = 0;
* \brief Finish an encryption operation
* Complete an encryption process. No plain text is passed in,
* as this should simply be removing any remaining text from
* the plain storage buffer and creating a final padded block.
* Padding is performed by taking the remaining block, and
* setting the last byte to equal the number of bytes of
* padding. If the plain was an exact multiple of the block size,
* then an extra block of padding will be used. For example, if
* the block size is 8 bytes, and there were three remaining plain
* text bytes (0x01, 0x02 and 0x03), the final block will be :
* 0x010203????????05
* @param plainBuf Buffer to place final block of cipher text in
* @param maxOutLength Maximum number of bytes to pace in output
* @param taglen length of Authentication Tag
* @returns Bytes placed in output buffer
virtual unsigned int encryptFinish(unsigned char * plainBuf,
unsigned int maxOutLength,
unsigned int taglen = 0) = 0;