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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* WinCAPICryptoKeyRSA := Windows implementation of RSA Keys
* Author(s): Berin Lautenbach
* $Id$
#include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoKeyRSA.hpp>
#if defined (XSEC_HAVE_WINCAPI)
#if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT)
# define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#include <wincrypt.h>
class WinCAPICryptoProvider;
* \ingroup wincapicrypto
* \brief WinCAPI implementation of the interface class for RSA keys.
* The library uses classes derived from this to process RSA keys.
class XSEC_EXPORT WinCAPICryptoKeyRSA : public XSECCryptoKeyRSA {
public :
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
* \brief Create an RSA key
* Constructor used to create an "empty" RSA key, that the
* library will later set parameters for the public key within.
* @param prov A handle to a PROV_RSA_FULL provider that the
* library will eventually import the key into
* \brief Dedicated WinCAPI constructor for a public RSA key
* Create a public RSA key for use in XSEC from an existing HCRYPTKEY
* @param prov The handle to the provider that was used to create the key
* @param k The key to use
* @note k is owned by the library. When the wrapper
* WinCAPICryptoKeyRSA is deleted, k will be destroyed using
* CryptDestroyKey()
* \brief Dedicated WinCAPI constructor for a private RSA key
* Create a public RSA key for use in XSEC from an keySpec
* @param prov The handle to the provider that was used to create the key
* @param keySpec The key to use (AT_SIGNATURE or AT_KEYEXCHANGE
* @param isPrivate Should be true. May be used later for public
* keys created this way
WinCAPICryptoKeyRSA(HCRYPTPROV prov, DWORD keySpec, bool isPrivate);
virtual ~WinCAPICryptoKeyRSA();
/** @name Key Interface methods */
* \brief Return the type of this key.
* For RSA keys, this allows people to determine whether this is a
* public key, private key or a key pair
virtual XSECCryptoKey::KeyType getKeyType() const;
* \brief Return the WinCAPI identifier string
virtual const XMLCh* getProviderName() const;
* \brief Replicate key
virtual XSECCryptoKey* clone() const;
/** @name Mandatory RSA interface methods
* These classes are required by the library.
* \brief Verify a SHA1 PKCS1 encoded signature
* The library will call this function to validate an RSA signature
* The standard by default uses SHA1 in a PKCS1 encoding.
* @param hashBuf Buffer containing the pre-calculated (binary) digest
* @param hashLen Length of the data in the digest buffer
* @param base64Signature Buffer containing the Base64 encoded signature
* @param sigLen Length of the data in the signature buffer
* @param type The hash method that was used to create the hash that is being
* passed in
* @returns true if the signature was valid, false otherwise
virtual bool verifySHA1PKCS1Base64Signature(const unsigned char* hashBuf,
unsigned int hashLen,
const char* base64Signature,
unsigned int sigLen,
XSECCryptoHash::HashType type) const;
* \brief Create a signature
* The library will call this function to create a signature from
* a pre-calculated digest. The output signature will
* be Base64 encoded such that it can be placed directly into the
* XML document
* @param hashBuf Buffer containing the pre-calculated (binary) digest
* @param hashLen Number of bytes of hash in the hashBuf
* @param base64SignatureBuf Buffer to place the base64 encoded result
* in.
* @param base64SignatureBufLen Implementations need to ensure they do
* not write more bytes than this into the buffer
* @param type The hash method that was used to create the hash that is being
* passed in
virtual unsigned int signSHA1PKCS1Base64Signature(unsigned char * hashBuf,
unsigned int hashLen,
char * base64SignatureBuf,
unsigned int base64SignatureBufLen,
XSECCryptoHash::HashType type) const;
* \brief Decrypt using private key
* The library will call this function to decrypt a piece of cipher
* text using the private component of this key.
* @param inBuf cipher text to decrypt
* @param plainBuf output buffer for decrypted bytes
* @param inLength bytes of cipher text to decrypt
* @param maxOutLength size of outputBuffer
* @param padding Type of padding (PKCS 1.5 or OAEP)
* @param hashURI Hash Method for OAEP encryption
* @param mgfURI algorithm identifier for OAEP mask generation function
* @param params raw OAEP parameter data, if any
* @param paramslen OEP parameter length
virtual unsigned int privateDecrypt(const unsigned char* inBuf,
unsigned char* plainBuf,
unsigned int inLength,
unsigned int maxOutLength,
PaddingType padding,
const XMLCh* hashURI=NULL,
const XMLCh* mgfURI=NULL,
unsigned char* params=NULL,
unsigned int paramsLen=0) const;
* \brief Encrypt using a public key
* The library will call this function to encrypt a plain text buffer
* using the public component of this key.
* @param inBuf plain text to decrypt
* @param cipherBuf output buffer for decrypted bytes
* @param inLength bytes of plain text to encrypt
* @param maxOutLength size of outputBuffer
* @param padding Type of padding (PKCS 1.5 or OAEP)
* @param hashURI Hash Method for OAEP encryption
* @param mgfURI algorithm identifier for OAEP mask generation function
* @param params raw OAEP parameter data, if any
* @param paramslen OEP parameter length
virtual unsigned int publicEncrypt(const unsigned char* inBuf,
unsigned char* cipherBuf,
unsigned int inLength,
unsigned int maxOutLength,
PaddingType padding,
const XMLCh* hashURI=NULL,
const XMLCh* mgfURI=NULL,
unsigned char* params=NULL,
unsigned int paramsLen=0) const;
* \brief Obtain the length of an RSA key
* @returns The length of the rsa key (in bytes)
virtual unsigned int getLength() const;
/** @name Optional Interface methods
* Have been implemented to allow interoperability testing
* \brief Load the modulus
* Load the modulus from a Base64 encoded string
* param b64 A buffer containing the encoded string
* param len The length of the data in the buffer
virtual void loadPublicModulusBase64BigNums(const char* b64, unsigned int len);
* \brief Load the exponent
* Load the exponent from a Base64 encoded string
* param b64 A buffer containing the encoded string
* param len The length of the data in the buffer
virtual void loadPublicExponentBase64BigNums(const char* b64, unsigned int len);
/** @name WinCAPI Specific Functions */
* \brief Retrieve the exponent
* Retrieves the exponent in ds:CryptoBinary encoded format
* @param b64 Buffer to place encoded exponent into
* @param len Maximum number of bytes to place in buffer
* @returns The number of bytes placed in the buffer
unsigned int getExponentBase64BigNums(char* b64, unsigned int len);
* \brief Retrieve the modulus
* Retrieves the modulus in ds:CryptoBinary encoded format
* @param b64 Buffer to place the encoded modulus into
* @param len Maximum number of bytes to place in buffer
* @returns The number of bytes placed in the buffer
unsigned int getModulusBase64BigNums(char* b64, unsigned int len);
* \brief Import key and return it
* Retrieves the RSA key as HCRYPTKEY
* @returns The key
HCRYPTKEY importKey() const;
mutable HCRYPTKEY m_key; // For a public key
DWORD m_keySpec; // For a private key
BYTE* mp_modulus;
BYTE* mp_exponent;
unsigned int m_modulusLen;
unsigned int m_exponentLen;
// Instruct to import from parameters
void loadParamsFromKey();
#endif /* XSEC_HAVE_WINCAPI */