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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* XKMSRegisterRequest := Interface for RegisterRequest Messages
* $Id$
// XSEC Includes
#include <xsec/framework/XSECDefs.hpp>
#include <xsec/xkms/XKMSRequestAbstractType.hpp>
class DSIGSignature;
class XKMSAuthentication;
class XKMSPrototypeKeyBinding;
* @ingroup xkms
* @brief Interface definition for the RegisterRequest elements
* The \<RegisterRequest\> is one of the fundamental message types of
* the X-KRMS service. It is used by a client wishing to register a
* key with a service.
* The schema definition for RegisterRequest is as follows :
* \verbatim
<!-- RegisterRequest -->
<element name="RegisterRequest" type="xkms:RegisterRequestType"/>
<complexType name="RegisterRequestType">
<extension base="xkms:RequestAbstractType">
<element ref="xkms:PrototypeKeyBinding"/>
<element ref="xkms:Authentication"/>
<element ref="xkms:ProofOfPossession" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- /RegisterRequest -->
class XSEC_EXPORT XKMSRegisterRequest : public XKMSRequestAbstractType {
/** @name Constructors and Destructors */
XKMSRegisterRequest() {};
virtual ~XKMSRegisterRequest() {};
/** @name Getter Interface Methods */
* \brief Return the element at the base of the message
virtual XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMElement * getElement(void) const = 0;
* \brief Obtain the PrototypKeyBinding element
* The PrototypeKeyBinding element is the core of the RegisterRequest message, and
* defines the key information that will be sent to the server for registration.
* @returns A pointer to the XKMSPrototypeKeyBinding element
virtual XKMSPrototypeKeyBinding * getPrototypeKeyBinding(void) const = 0;
* \brief Get the Authentication element
* The Authentication element of the RegisterRequest is used by the client to
* authenticate the request to the server.
* @return A pointer to the Authentication structure
virtual XKMSAuthentication * getAuthentication (void) const = 0;
* \brief Get the signature used to prove possession of the private key
* When the client presents a request for a key generated by them, this element
* is used to show that the client is authorised to make this request using this
* key.
* @return A pointer to the proof of possession Signature object (or NULL if none
* was defined
virtual DSIGSignature * getProofOfPossessionSignature(void) const = 0;
/** @name Setter Interface Methods */
/** \brief Add a PrototypeKeyBinding element
* Set a PrototypeKeyBinding element in the Request message. The returned
* object can be manipulated to add KeyInfo elements to the Request.
* @returns A pointer to the newly created PrototypeKeyBinding object, or
* the pointer to extant object if one already existed.
virtual XKMSPrototypeKeyBinding * addPrototypeKeyBinding(void) = 0;
/** \brief Add an Authentication element
* Set a Authentication element in the Request message. The returned
* object can be manipulated to add Authentication information to the request.
* @returns A pointer to the newly created Authenticaton object, or
* the pointer to extant object if one already existed.
virtual XKMSAuthentication * addAuthentication(void) = 0;
* \brief Add a ProofOfPossession signature to the message
* Allows the application to add a new ProofOfPossession signature into a
* RegisterRequest element
* @note the client application will need to set the key and sign the
* message - however the appropriate reference (to the PrototypeKeyBinding
* element) will be set. This implies that the PrototypeKeyBinding *must*
* be added prior to the call to this method.
* @returns the new Signature structure
virtual DSIGSignature * addProofOfPossessionSignature(
const XMLCh* c14nAlgorithm,
const XMLCh* signatureAlgorithm,
const XMLCh* hashAlgorithm) = 0;
// Unimplemented
XKMSRegisterRequest(const XKMSRegisterRequest &);
XKMSRegisterRequest & operator = (const XKMSRegisterRequest &);
#endif /* XSEC_XKMS_ENABLED */