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# Samza Release Procedure
Releasing Samza involves the following steps:
* Send a [DISCUSS] to [Example](
* Create the Release Candidate
* Send a [VOTE] to [Example](
* Wait till the [VOTE] completes and send [RESULT][VOTE]. [Example](
* Publish source tarball to Apache SVN
* Publish website documents for new release
* Write a blog post on [Apache Blog](
* Update the Samza version of the master branch to the next version
* Update [samza-hello-samza]( to use the new Samza version
The following sections will be focusing on creating the release candidate, publish the source tarball, and publish website documents.
## Steps to release Samza binary artifacts
Before you start, here are a few prerequisite steps that would be useful later:
* You may find useful for providing some additional context regarding the release process.
* Make sure you have your GPG key generated/signed/published and added to KEYS file. GPG tools:
* Setup your personal website on Apache:
* Setup access to author the apache blog:
And before you proceed, do the following steps:
* Create a branch $VERSION from the latest master branch.
* Checkout the $VERSION branch.
* Update the s.t. the following property is $VERSION w/o the suffix '-SNAPSHOT':
* Change the samza_executable variable in samza-test/src/main/python/configs/tests.json to $VERSION w/o the suffix '-SNAPSHOT'.
* Change the samza-test versions in samza-test/src/main/config/join/README to $VERSION w/o the suffix '-SNAPSHOT'.
* Change the executable version in samza-test/src/main/python/ to $VERSION w/o the suffix '-SNAPSHOT'.
* Push the changes to the $VERSION branch
Validate Samza using all our supported build matrix.
Run integration tests for YARN and standalone
./bin/ . yarn-integration-tests
./bin/ . standalone-integration-tests
To release to a local Maven repository:
./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal
To build a tarball suitable for an ASF source release (and its accompanying md5 file):
First, clean any non-checked-in files from git (this removes all such files without prompting):
git clean -fdx
Alternatively, you can make a fresh clone of the repository to a separate directory:
git clone samza-release
cd samza-release
git checkout $VERSION
Then build the source and samza-tools tarballs:
./gradlew clean sourceRelease && ./gradlew releaseToolsTarGz
Then sign them:
gpg --sign --armor --detach-sig ./build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz
gpg --sign --armor --detach-sig ./samza-tools/build/distributions/samza-tools_$SCALAVERSION-$VERSION.tgz
Create MD5 signatures:
gpg --print-md MD5 ./build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz > ./build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz.md5
gpg --print-md MD5 ./samza-tools/build/distributions/samza-tools_$SCALAVERSION-$VERSION.tgz > ./samza-tools/build/distributions/samza-tools_$SCALAVERSION-$VERSION.tgz.md5
Create SHA1 signatures:
gpg --print-md SHA1 ./build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz > ./build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz.sha1
gpg --print-md SHA1 ./samza-tools/build/distributions/samza-tools_$SCALAVERSION-$VERSION.tgz > ./samza-tools/build/distributions/samza-tools_$SCALAVERSION-$VERSION.tgz.sha1
Upload the build artifacts to your Apache home directory (you can authorize your public SSH key through
sftp <apache-username>
cd public_html
mkdir samza-$VERSION-rc0
cd samza-$VERSION-rc0
put ./build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.* .
put ./samza-tools/build/distributions/samza-tools_$SCALAVERSION-$VERSION.* .
Make a signed git tag for the release candidate (you may need to use -u to specify key id):
git tag -s release-$VERSION-rc0 -m "Apache Samza $VERSION release candidate 0"
Push the release tag to remote repository:
git push origin release-$VERSION-rc0
Edit `$HOME/.gradle/` and add your GPG key information (without the comments):
signing.keyId=01234567 # Your GPG key ID, as 8 hex digits
signing.secretKeyRingFile=/path/to/secring.gpg # Normally in $HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg
signing.password=YourSuperSecretPassphrase # Plaintext passphrase to decrypt key
nexusUsername=yourname # Your username on Apache's LDAP
nexusPassword=password # Your password on Apache's LDAP
Putting your passwords there in plaintext is unfortunately unavoidable. The
[nexus plugin]( supports asking
for them interactively, but unfortunately there's a
[Gradle issue]( which prevents us
from reading keyboard input (because we need `org.gradle.jvmargs` set).
Build binary artifacts and upload them to the staging repository:
# Set this to the oldest JDK which we are currently supporting for Samza.
# If it's built with Java 8, the classes won't be readable by Java 7.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_20.jdk/Contents/Home
./gradlew clean uploadArchives
Go to [repository web interface](, log in with
Apache LDAP credentials, go to "Staging Repositories", select the org.apache.samza
repository just created, and close it. This may take a minute or so. When it
finishes, the UI shows a staging repository URL. This can be used in a project
that depends on Samza, to test the release candidate.
The instructions above publish the Samza artifacts for scala 2.11. To publish for scala 2.12:
* Set the desired `scalaSuffix` in ``.
* Run `./gradlew clean uploadArchives` to generate and upload the Samza artifacts.
# After the VOTE has passed
If the VOTE has successfully passed on the release candidate, you can log in to the [repository web interface]( (same as above) and "release" the org.apache.samza repository listed under "Staging Repositories". This may take a minute or so.
This will publish the samza release artifacts to the open source [maven repository](
Update with the next master version (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0 for example).
## Steps to Upload Source Tarball to Apache SVN
Note that only PMCs have permissions to commit to this repository.
Check out the following Apache dist SVN to local:
svn checkout samza-dist
Create the new version's sub-directory and add the source tarball, MD5, and asc files from the
previous step to the new directory:
cd samza-dist
mkdir $VERSION
cp ${SAMZA_SRC_ROOT}/build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz $VERSION
cp ${SAMZA_SRC_ROOT}/build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz.md5 $VERSION
cp ${SAMZA_SRC_ROOT}/build/distribution/source/apache-samza-$VERSION-src.tgz.asc $VERSION
svn add $VERSION
Commit to Apache release SVN
svn ci -m "Releasing Apache Samza $VERSION Source Tarballs"
Check the download link [here]( to make sure that the mirror
site has picked up the new release. The third-party mirrors may take upto 24 hours to pick-up the release.
In order to ensure that the release is available in public mirrors, wait for the release jars
to show up in [maven central]( A full list of mirrors can be found [here](
Do not publish the website or any public document until the release jars are available for download.
## Steps to Update Public Documentation
Please refer to docs/, specifically "Release-new-version Website Checklist" section.
## Write a blog post on the Apache blog site
You can use the same content as the blog you wrote for the Samza site.
* Apache blog editor is primitive. You have to provide HTML formatted document, but you should pretty much be able
to use the HTML source generated for the Samza site.
* Only PMCs have permissions to update If you are not a PMC, then you can ask a PMC to
update the blog or ask a PMC to add write permissions for you.
## Update samza-hello-samza
Make sure that the `master` branch of [samza-hello-samza]( is synced with the
`latest` branch.
git merge latest
In the `master` branch, remove the `-SNAPSHOT` part of the Samza version in `` and `pom.xml`.
In the `latest` branch, update the Samza version in `` and `pom.xml` to be the next version of Samza.