layout: page title: Download

Samza is released as a source artifact, and also through Maven.

If you just want to play around with Samza for the first time, go to Hello Samza.

JDK Notice

Starting from 2016, Samza will begin requiring JDK8 or higher. Please see this mailing list thread for details on this decision.

Samza Tools

Samza tools package contains command line tools that user can run to use Samza and it's input/output systems.

Source Releases


All Samza JARs are published through Apache's Maven repository.


A Maven-based Samza project can pull in all required dependencies Samza dependencies this XML block:

{% highlight xml %} org.apache.samza samza-api 1.5.0 org.apache.samza samza-core_2.11 1.5.0 runtime org.apache.samza samza-shell dist tgz 1.5.0 runtime org.apache.samza samza-yarn_2.11 1.5.0 runtime org.apache.samza samza-kv_2.11 1.5.0 runtime org.apache.samza samza-kv-rocksdb_2.11 1.5.0 runtime org.apache.samza samza-kv-inmemory_2.11 1.5.0 runtime org.apache.samza samza-kafka_2.11 1.5.0 runtime {% endhighlight %}

Samza versions less than 0.12 should use artifacts with scala version 2.10 as suffix. For example,

{% highlight xml %} org.apache.samza samza-yarn_2.10 0.11.0 {% endhighlight %}

Samza versions less than 0.9 should include this additional dependency.

{% highlight xml %} org.apache.samza samza-serializers_2.10 0.8.1 {% endhighlight %}

Hello Samza is a working Maven project that illustrates how to build projects that have Samza jobs in them.


Samza is available in the Apache Maven repository.

{% highlight xml %} apache-releases {% endhighlight %}

Snapshot builds are available in the Apache Maven snapshot repository.

{% highlight xml %} apache-snapshots {% endhighlight %}

Checking out and Building

If you‘re interested in working on Samza, or building the JARs from scratch, then you’ll need to checkout and build the code. Samza does not have a binary release at this time. To check out and build Samza, run these commands.

{% highlight bash %} git clone cd samza ./gradlew clean build {% endhighlight %}

See the file for details on building.