Samza's documentation uses Jekyll to build a website out of markdown pages. Prerequisites:
ruby --version
to check)sudo gem install bundler
directory and run bundle install
To serve the website on localhost:4000 (run from the docs
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ""
To compile the website in the _site directory, execute:
bundle exec jekyll build
To test the site, run:
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ""
(add --host if you want it to be visible from other hosts)
If you‘re working with versioned content (anything in the learn or img directories), you’ll also need to run a script that generates the appropriate directories:
Run this script after starting the site server with the serve
command above. Otherwise, you may see some errors when trying to view versioned content. In addition, the script must be run every time a change is made to versioned content locally in order to trigger a refresh with Jekyll.
Keep in mind that versioned content in older versions links to, not the localhost:4000. This is because they are not updated by your branch and are using the values in SVN instead.
To add a new version, change the version number in _config.yml. All links in pages should use {{site.version}}, not hard-coded version number.
To auto-generate the latest Javadocs, run:
To build and publish the website to Samza's Apache SVN repository, run:
bin/ "updating welcome page" criccomini
This command will re-build the Javadocs and website, checkout locally, copy the site into the directory, and commit the changes.
Sanity-check a couple of links in the website corresponding to the latest release. For example, when releasing Samza 1.0.0, verify that and links work.
Assume we want to release x.x.x and the next release is y.y.y in master, need to work on two branches: x.x.x and master.
Following can be done when updating the file
in x.x.x branch,
if this is a major release, modify the docs/_config.yml to make both the “version” and “latest-release” properties to x.x.x
remove “git checkout latest” line and the “-SNAPSHOT” version suffix in each of the tutorials
in master branch,
if this is a major release, modify the docs/_config.yml to make the “latest-release” to x.x.x
if this is a major release, add the x.x.x release part in docs/archive/index.html
update the download page (docs/startup/download/ to use x.x.x release by adding an entry to the Sources and Samza Tools sections to use the new x.x.x release
add a release page samza/docs/_releases/
add a new entry for the new version in samza/docs/_menu/index.html
update the version number in “tar -xvf ./target/hello-samza-y.y.y-dist.tar.gz -C deploy/samza” in each of the tutorials (and search for other uses of version x.x.x which may need to be replaced with y.y.y)
Write a blog post on the open source blog. Update versioning (samza/docs/_blog/ Usually the same info as in samza/docs/_releases/
After apache mirrors pick up the new release,
in x.x.x branch, run bin/ “updating welcome page” criccomini
in master branch, run bin/ “updating welcome page” criccomini