layout: page title: Contact Us

There are many ways to reach the Samza user and developer communities - use whichever one seems best!

Please make sure you are subscribed to the mailing list you are posting to! If you are not subscribed to the mailing list, your message will be rejected.

If you would like to post to these mailing lists, please

  1. subscribe by sending an email using the subscribe links above; and
  2. confirm the subscription by replying to the confirmation email; and
  3. send your email to the mailing list.

Please note that you won’t receive any responses to your email if you are not subscribed.

Having a Question?

The Apache Samza community answers many user questions every day. You can search for answers and advices in the archives or reach out to the community for help and guidance.

User Mailing List

Many Samza users, contributors, and committers are subscribed to Samza’s user mailing list. The user mailing list is a great place to get help.

Some quick tips when using the mailing lists:

  • Prior to submitting questions, you can search the archive to find if the same questions have been asked before in mail archives.
  • For error logs or long code examples, please use GitHub gist and include only a few lines of the pertinent code / log within the email.
  • No jobs, sales, or solicitation is permitted on the Apache Samza mailing lists.

Found a Bug?

If you observe an unexpected behavior that might be caused by a bug, you can search for reported bugs or file a bug report in Samza’s JIRA. More instructions are available in contribors corner.

If you are unsure whether the unexpected behavior was a bug or not, please post a question to the user mailing list.